of Frank McPherson
A change to the theme I use for my blog broke the summary blog post plugin I was using to create summary entries on the main page for titled posts. I now have to manually enter the tag that tells the CMS to generate the summary post and link. To make this easier I created a simple script in Drummer to insert that tag in the next line, therefore I don't have to remember the syntax of the tag. Here in lies the power of using an editor like Drummer that supports scripts and the power of being able to use the editor of my choice to write blog posts. #
Yesterday Dave wrote about search and it reminds me about how much I miss Daytona, which died when Twitter killed their API. Some times I feel like I am the only person other than Dave who uses his stuff. When one writes daynotes like this to narrate one's work it is very useful to be able to search one's writing. I agree in principal with what Dave is thinking in regards to the usefulness of LLMs to query one's own writing. #
  • If one does not read the instructions, is it obvious how to get to a site in the blogroll to the right? #
  • Now that I added a blogroll page to my main blog I notice that one what I would consider main features of a blog roll, which is getting to the sites on the list, is not obvious. No obvious hyperlinks exist in the blogroll, to get to post of a site you need to click the date or time that is to the right of the entry. I personally do not think that this is obvious to a user who has never seen this function where as the simply list version produced by micro.blog provides an obvious hyperlink. #
  • I added a blogroll page, Other Bloggers, to my main blog that is hosted on micro.blog. The blogroll uses a new Recommendations feature recently added to micro.blog, which is inspired by Dave's work on blogrolls but not exactly the same. You see that the blogroll on the right of this page knows when a site has been updated and sorts the list in that chronological order. Dave's blogroll "widget" is connected to Feedland. Micro.blog recommendations is not connected to FeedLand and is a simple list of sites, although one can upload an OPML file to generate the site list. I have to add or remove sites via the Recommendations section of microblog design. #
  • One of the most powerful features of Drummer is the glossary. In summary, the glossary searches for defined strings and replaces that string with something else. I primarily use the glossary to have Old School create hyperlinks to sites I frequent refer to such as my blog.#
  • The glossary is an OPML file and I associate it to my blog by populating the OPML header urlGlossary with of the URL to the OPML file. I don't know how the glossary functionality works exactly but it appears to occur during the publishing process, but I pretty sure it is triggered via Build my blog. #
  • What I wish I could do is access the Glossary functionality from within Drummer. I imagine it working similar to a manually triggered spell check, select a menu option or trigger a script to "Run Glossary Check" and it would scan the contents of a node for any matching strings and replace them within the OPML file itself. So for example, it would change a string "my blog" with a markdown link using my blog as the link text, which when published to micro.blog will render as a hyperlink. #
  • Perhaps all I need is a glossary verb that would scan the text of a current node against a provided glossary file URL and converted any matches. The key difference here I think is initiating the scan from within Drummer and having the results affected OPML file in the open tab in Drummer. I wonder, can I write a script that does something like Find and Replace? #

© 2024 Frank McPherson

Last update: Wednesday April 24, 2024; 3:45 PM EDT.