of Frank McPherson
Read a good interview transcript in the Atlantic between Arthur Brooks and Jerusalem Demasis on whether religion can make one happy. My theory about what ails us as a society is that we don't understand religion and that there is in fact too much religion, particularly relative to fifty years ago. People association religion to particular sets of beliefs, institutions, or higher power, but religion is whatever humans attach themselves to derive meaning and identity. #
Today there are many things to which one can and does attach themselves to, and one of those most popular right now in the United States is political ideology, populism/Trumpism and progressivism. (Right/left, Republican/Democrat, conservative/liberal are variations of the theme. #
Most people do derive happiness through these attachments that given them meaning, but you should see here the problem. Happiness is dependent on externalities, and therefore we are conditioned to seek these things that make us happy. I think what you really have here in religions is idolatry. #
Religion does make one happy, in fact happiness , or feeling good about oneself, is practically the purpose of religion. The problem is in the belief that the pursuit of happiness is that which ought to be our motivation, it's a problem because as happiness depends on something outside of oneself, it is fleeting. #
Rather than happiness, I think one ought to focus on joy. Joy is a state of being, one chooses or is conditioned to be joyful, by which I mean joy is not dependent on a an externality, it comes from the inside out. Idols promise happiness, but they are finite. Joy comes from within one's soul, woven in to the fabric of who we are that is more than we comprehend. It's felt before known, but once known is infinite. #
It looks like the server on which I am running Pagepark keeps running out of memory and locking up. Consequently I am going to need to give more thought to how I am going to host that site.#
While I agree with the point that Dave is making regarding our failing democracy, I think an honest assessment is that the United States has really never been a democracy. It's always been an oligarchy veiled by a republic. The republican/representative democracy instituted by wealthy white men was immediately controlled by the invention of political parties, which Washington warned us about. It has taken more than 240 years for the system to evolve to where we are today that is completely controlled by wealth. The Presidency is simply the most powerful position in the world that money can buy and SCOTUS, which is the authoritarian branch of our fine government, made that official with the Citizens United and Trump immunity decisions. #
Back home after a trip back to the home town for my 40th high school reunion. I had a great time catching up with my classmates.#
I have a negative reflexive reaction to AI writing generation tools, probably mostly because I like to write and I can't imagine why I would want an AI to write for me. On the other hand, having worked in IT my entire life I know that the lack of good documentation is one of the weakest links of IT. Sure, some documentation is written but then is never maintained nor often never read. These are reasons why I think documentation as code and software defined infrastructure are so valuable.#
Is it because I have no interest in it, or is that the Apple Vision Pro is losing steam?#
Reading about the updates in Mac OS Sequoia. What I find most irritable with OS X that when I connect my Macbook Air to my dock and external monitor the dock does not appear at the bottom of the monitor screen. I don't have my Macbook side by side with the monitor, but rather below so the external monitor is above the internal monitor and it seems OS X really doesn't know what to do about that. #
The main reason why I have invested in and use Google's hardware, mostly phones running Android, all these years is that I believe the idea of "organizing the world's information" best aligns to how I think about personal computing. Years ago I wrote about these ideas and how I saw the emergence of smartphones and tablets as the true, real, personal computing moment. I defined personal computing as hardware + software (apps) + Internet + intelligence and believed then that Google was closest to meeting this definition with what was emerging as Google Assistant. I think now that Apple's description and implementation of Apple Intelligence is closer to actualizing what I imagined back then. #
  • Over the last year we've seen Microsoft, Google, and now Apple demonstrate what they are doing with AI. As a somewhat casual observer, it seems to me all of these announcements fall in what I will call a "me too" category. Microsoft added a chatGPT bot to Bing so Google had to add Gemini chat to Search. Microsoft added AI features to Office and Google did the same to Gmail and Docs. The problem with this matching of functionality is that both companies are focused on each other rather than their customers.#
  • The main challenges to broad use of the latest AI tools is how easy they are to use and explaining what specifically they do and why a person should want to use them. So far the most publicized uses are enhanced search, writing, and creating pictures. In a way not unlike how the handwriting recognition of the Apple Newton Messagepad was treated, there is more attention put on how these AI tools are doing things wrong and often times with hilarious results. Personally, my use of GPTs has been as an enhanced search, and I prefer to do my own writing. #
  • How Microsoft and Google have handled AI as response to each other is not surprising because honestly that is how these companies operate as they are competing against each other for corporate customers. Microsoft and Google both have retail consumer products but these are layers on top of a corporate DNA, and frankly it shows. Apple's DNA has consumers woven from top to bottom and we see and feel this in their actual products and how they talk about them, and frankly that makes them more relatable and trustworthy to consumers.#
  • While I find it hokey, the "branding" of these features as "Apple Intelligence" is consistent with Apple's opinionated approach to all technology. Apple's message is clear, they are not going to use AI in the same way as others, so much so that they call it something similar to but not the same was what others call it. Apple is saying AI is not Artificial Intelligence, it's Apple Intelligence. #
  • Of course, Apple is doing the same thing as Microsoft and Google in adding AI features to their first party products, but there is a key differentiation between Apple and these others, Apple is a hardware company and AI might be the biggest gift to Apple's long term prospects since the mobile phone. The biggest question at Microsoft and Google right now is, how can they make money from AI, and it turns out that for them the AI revenue flow looks the same as advertising and search, but that is not how AI generates revenue.#
  • The hottest company on the planet right now is Nvidia, who manufacture the processing chips (GPUs) AI needs to quickly provide results. Ever since Apple announced they put their M1 processors in iPads and similar high end processors in the iPhone, there have been questions about why Apple is putting all this processing horse power in these products when it will never be fully used. The answer to that question should be obvious now, that processing power is needed to run these new AI tools with performance similar to Nvidia. People expect Apple to keep their data on their iPhones, iPads, and Macs and their processors allow them to do that. #
  • I own the Macbook Air that has Apple's first M-series processor, and its going to be three years old in November. The Macbook Air M1 does everything I normally do, web browsing, checking email, some writing, crunching numbers, so fast I can't imagine when I will need to replace it for these purposes. Last week I installed Ollama on this Macbook Air so that I can run AI models like llama3 locally and for the first time since I've owned it the Macbook was slow! Before this I imagined the reason why I would replace this Macbook Air is that Apple no longer supported it in the latest release of OS X, which could be ten years from now, but now I know that if I want to run future models locally I will want a newer Macbook. #
  • Cloud-based AI has it's place in providing widely available information in a comprehensible manner, but when it comes to actually doing things for people, that AI processing will need to be on the edge and near the people. The people behind the Rabbit R1 and the Humane AI Pin recognize this, but both are physically small and thus constrained. The perfect AI edge device is the smartphone, and so AI fits "glove-in-hand" with Apple's core consumer product, while neither Microsoft or Google have such product. For Apple AI is not the "thing" and it will never be the "thing," their "thing" is Apple silicon put in iPhones, iPads, and Macs, and AI makes the best case for the need of that "thing" than anything that has come before. #
I started an outline of my notes about the Apple WWDC keynote here but moved them to their own outline file.#
  • Google has released an update to NotebookLM that allows one to provide specific sources to Google's Gemini LLM, store the results from questions about those sources, and write and store your own notes. I first learned about NotebookLM from Steven Johnson who consulted Google in it's development of this product. Johnson is the author of several books such as "How We Got To Now: Six Innovations That Made the Modern World" and has used DEVONThink for is research and writing. Johnson describes NotebookLM as the type of tool he would find useful in his research and writing, suggesting that NotebookLM is intended to fill scholarly and writing type use cases. #
  • I am following the development of and trying out NotebookLM because the use cases Johnson describes align with my interests. Right now Google is focusing on input of content and there are no formal methods for producing output beyond copy and paste. I assume at some point in time Google will allow creation of documents in Google Docs.#
  • Prior releases of NotebookLM allowed me to upload a small number of PDFs or Google Docs from Google Drive as sources, and the new update allows me to specify web sites. It does not crawl an entire domain, it appears to GET the HTML page for the URL you provide. I have found that Dave Winer's Old School CMS that publishes my Daynotes structures the writing in a way that works well with NotebookLM.#
  • As you can see from my Monthly Index, Old School creates a page for each month of the year for all of the posts published in that month, for example here is all of the blog posts I wrote here in May, 2024. To have NotebookLM use my Daynotes as the source for answers all I have to do is provide it the URL for each of the of the monthly pages. I am surprised that so far I haven't reached a limit to the number of web site URLs I can provide as sources because there is a limit in how many files (PDFs or Google Docs) one can provide.#
  • I have entered all of the monthly URLs for 2021 through May, 2024 and then asked it to summarize what I wrote about in each year. You can save responses to the notebook, but sources are not included in what is saved, although you can get to them from the chat. When you click a source link from chat a pane opens with the source content that you can highlight and then save verbatim to the notebook or have Gemini summarize the highlighted content and save the summarization to a note.#
  • One can copy and paste the content of a note, and I did that with the 2022 Summary of my daynotes, pasting it in to Drummer. I lightly edited the result in Drummer for formatting. My recommendation to Google would be to create the notes in markdown so that formatting will also carry over. #
I bought the Macbook Air M1 back in November, 2021, and from that time up until today I had never run anything on it that impacted performance. Today I installed Ollama and and tried the llama2 model and found saw the CPU utilization jump up to nearly 70% and the YouTube video I was watching disrupted. Basically, when interacting with llama2 I cannnot really run something else on the Mac. #
Seems to me that Dave wants categories in his blogroll, seemingly not remembering that FeedLand already has categories. Is that really two great things that taste great together? At the moment he is so obsessed with blogrolls that is forcing it to be an RSS feed reader and I am not sure the two have the same use cases.#
Yesterday I learned about Fabric, which is a front end to LLMs such as OpenAI and Anthropic with packaged, pre-defined prompts. It's written in Python and uses API access to LLMs and therefore requires API keys. Basically, it simplifies practical use of these LLMs buy providing a catalog of prompt "patterns." I learned about Fabric via NetworkChuck. #
I've installed Remmina on the Google Pixelbook so that I can connect to the Debian 12 desktop, and this seems to be working pretty well, although screen resolution can be a bit of a problem. For some reason the touchpad doesn't work for scrolling in the web browser.#
The main problem I have with using the Boox Note Air 3C to take notes is the search function is really slow. My notebooks get exported to PDF files that I sync to OneDrive but I need a cost effective way to perform handwriting recognition on them that produces an index to search against.#
I wonder how well the Pixel Fold has sold?#
Feeds All Around provides a way to discover RSS feeds related to a mastodon account. The app appears to be able to dig out the RSS feed from a site. Because it uses Mastodon it provides a way to drill down to followers of followers, and therefore is a bit of a rabbit hole. I plugged in my Mastodon handle and did some exploring. #
AT&T wants to get rid of their traditional landline service. They have been sending me offers to conver to AT&T Phone - Advanced, which is a VoIP solution that primarily uses their cellular network and fails over to broadband. The service is cheaper and would allow us to keep our home phone number, but the problem is that we only get one bar of cellular service at our condo. We have a microcell that we use to strengthen/enable our cellular connectivity. What would work for us, I think, is if the broadband VoIP was the primary connection then I would just put the device in the basement. What I really wish we could so is have our home phone number forwarded to both of our cellular phones, which enable us to preserve the number while decreasing our cost.#
I am using Joplin as a documentation, notes, and tasks repository and I use it with my Debian 12 desktop and my Macbook Air and iPads. Today I ran Joplin on the Macbook and received a notification about an update (2.14.21) to download and install, which I did. Unfortunately, this version has a problem such that it never fully loads and one has to Force Quit. I see others have reported this problem on the Joplin Forums and there was instruction to revert to 2.14.20, which I did and after re-entering the Master Password I the app successfully loaded. #
I checked in today on the status of Gemini for Android and found that it still cannot start a Home Routine and so is still a no go for me.#
Wasn't Microsoft designing their own chips for the Surface Pro? Did they give that up to partner with Qualcomm? #
Dave is all in on current and future of AI, and I find it useful to observe as he writes from a user's perspective. In my own experience I find myself using Copilot on my iPad when looking for information rather than Google Search, which I used in the past. #
  • I was mostly offline the last week as I on the road visiting family and friends. Catching up on my feeds, I see the reactions to the reviews of the new iPads that are predictable because they have been the same for the last five years or so now. All new iPad hardware is fantastic but hampered by the operating system software. The real problem with these observations is that they are redundant and pointless unless one is reviewing a new release of iPad OS. #
  • All technical reviews are opinion pieces. Ultimately, the author of the review is expressing an opinion about whether the product being reviewed is good or bad and whether the reader should buy the product or not, and I think it is the later point some people are reacting to. Two types of readers/potential buyers exist, a small group of whom have never owned an iPad and another group that will considering upgrading from an older model to a new model. #
  • The decision to upgrade is the tougher one because there are really few reasons to upgrade. The iPad Air I bought in 2020 runs everything I need it to run and will get the latest version of iPad OS when it is released. When I read in a review that iPad OS does not take full advantage of the hardware capability my simple translation is, it's not worth the money to upgrade. (Ironic side note, the iPad seems to be opposite of planned obsolescence and there seems to be a negative reaction, which makes me wonder whether we are too condition for planned obsolescence. ) #
  • Should a person who does not own an IPad buy the latest one? The answer to that question is easier, if they have a need or desire for an iPad they should buy whichever model they can afford. None of the reviews I have read even consider recommending their readers buy an Android, Chrome OS, or Windows (Surface) tablet because it is generally accepted that the iPad is best tablet on the market. #
  • Finally, some of the reviews are really not reviews but instead editorials expressing ways in which Apple could improve the iPad or iPad OS. Editorials usually invite disagreement and so it is surprising when the authors of these articles are surprised by the disagreement as if they don't know they wrote an editorial rather than a review. If the same story is being written after every release of a new iPad, perhaps it's time for a different story.#
I was mostly offline the last week as I on the road visiting family and friends. Catching up on my feeds, I see the reactions to the reviews of the new iPads that are predictable because they have been the same for the last five years or so now. All new iPad hardware is fantastic but hampered by the operating system software. The real problem with these observations is that they are redundant and pointless unless one is reviewing a new release of iPad OS. #
All technical reviews are opinion pieces. Ultimately, the author of the review is expressing an opinion about whether the product being reviewed is good or bad and whether the reader should buy the product or not, and I think it is the later point some people are reacting to. Two types of readers/potential buyers exist, a small group of whom have never owned an iPad and another group that will considering upgrading from an older model to a new model. #
The decision to upgrade is the tougher one because there are really few reasons to upgrade. The iPad Air I bought in 2020 runs everything I need it to run and will get the latest version of iPad OS when it is released. When I read in a review that iPad OS does not take full advantage of the hardware capability my simple translation is, it's not worth the money to upgrade. (Ironic side note, the iPad seems to be opposite of planned obsolescence and there seems to be a negative reaction, which makes me wonder whether we are too condition for planned obsolescence. ) #
Should a person who does not own an IPad buy the latest one? The answer to that question is easier, if they have a need or desire for an iPad they should buy whichever model they can afford. None of the reviews I have read even consider recommending their readers buy an Android, Chrome OS, or Windows (Surface) tablet because it is generally accepted that the iPad is best tablet on the market. #
Finally, some of the reviews are really not reviews but instead editorials expressing ways in which Apple could improve the iPad or iPad OS. Editorials usually invite disagreement and so it is surprising when the authors of these articles are surprised by the disagreement as if they don't know they wrote an editorial rather than a review. If the same story is being written after every release of a new iPad, perhaps it's time for a different story or some writing the same one over and over again.#
More thoughts about the new iPads announced yesterday, and thinking that if I were to buy a new, "larger" iPad that I might prefer the 13-inch model given that I would want to use it for something other than how I use my existing iPads.#
iMore points out the irony that the new iPad Air is actually heavier than the new iPad Pro, thanks to the OLED screen of the Pro. I guess the idea that a model with the name "Air" in it should be the lightest one available is lost on Apple. Perhaps Apple re-brand the Air, Pro, and the current Pro, Max, then they would have iPads from Mini to Max.#
  • Seemingly to steel some thunder from Apple, today Google made the Pixel 8A available for pre-order and it ships next week. Normally Google waits for their annual developer conference to announce and ship the A-series phone, so the timing is curious. The Pixel 8a costs $499 and Google provides $200 on trade-in of the Pixel 7a that I bought last year. At the moment I have no plans to replace the 7a thought I bought last year, even though the 8a has the Tensor G3 chip.#
  • Google also announced that they are now selling the Pixel Tablet without the charging speaker dock for $399, which is $100 less with the dock included. Previously Google did not sell the tablet without the dock. #
  • Today Apple announced new models of the iPad Air and iPad Pro with associated new Magic Keyboards and a third generation Apple Pencil. Over the years my tablet usage has transitioned between Android, starting with the Nexus 7, and the original iPad, and recently back to Android with the Boox Note Air 3C. I bought the first iPad Pro that I ultimately replaced with the fourth generation iPad Air in 2020. I also have the iPad Mini 6 that I bought in 2022. #
  • The main use case of the iPad Air has been for work, particularly writing notes in OneNote. The secondary use case for my iPad Air is watching video. Earlier this year I bought the Boox Note Air 3C that is a much better writing experience than the iPad + Apple Pencil so today I pretty much only use the Air for watching video. One other intermittent use case is for reading sheet music when I am asked to play at church, but that may only happen a couple times per year. Right now it is hard to find a reason to replace my current iPad Air with another "large" iPad model. #
  • The iPad Mini is the most used of my personal computing devices. Prior to buying the Note Air 3C I did all reading on the iPad Mini, but even now I still occasionally read on it, and of course, if I needed to, I could write on it with the Apple Pencil. The Mini is good enough for video but it is not best suited for reading sheet music due to the small screen. #
  • Apple did not announce a new iPad Mini, obviously they feel that given it is only two years old there is not a real need to upgrade the Mini. Frankly, I think Mini is the most intriguing of Apple's products in terms of what it will do in the future. Today the Mini and the current iPad use the A-series chips like the iPhone, in fact the current 10-th gen iPad uses the exact same A14 Bionic chip that is in my iPad Air. Does Apple want to continue with two chip series or consolidate to one? #
  • Beyond spec upgrades like display types and processors, what else can Apple do to the iPad Mini? Perhaps make it thinner, but that too seems incremental. What seems most likely is a future Apple foldable that is about the same size as the Mini when folded, but I wonder whether the folding screen technology is good enough and affordable enough for that size of a screen? #
  • Two constraints of the existing iPad Mini 6, the operating system and storage, would force me to replace my current Mini with a new model. My current Mini has 256 GB of storage of which I am only using 88 GB, so that is not close to being an issue. At some point Apple will stop supporting the Mini 6 in the latest version of iPadOS, but that isn't likely to happen for 3 to 5 years from now. #
  • The Boox Note Air 3C has confirmed that my primary tablet use case is reading and writing, for which eInk displays are much better suited than the iPad. I could read sheet music on the Note Air 3C, I just haven't needed to try given I have the iPad Air. If I buy another IPad, it is more likely going to be whatever replaces the iPad Mini 6 or perhaps the current generation of the regular iPad. #
I have built a new Proxmox VM using Fedora 40 KDE with XRDP for remote access. The Speedometer browser benchmark shows Firefox performs a little better than Chrome, so I will be using Firefox on this desktop. #
At some point I must have configured Fedora 38 workstation for remote access because I am able to connect to it from my Mac.#
The Declaration is about revolution over government, the Constitution establishes a government.#
Is the Rabbit R1 intended to replace a smartphone or be an accessory it, like watches?#
  • Today Dave Winer wrote that we in the United States are already living in an authoritarian state. He cites as evidence the probability that SCOTUS will say the President of the United States is in fact above the law and notes that the Supreme Court has always been above the law. If one takes a honest look back at the history of the United States you will see that it has always been an oligarchy rather than a democracy. #
  • The founders intended our government to be a republic, a representative democracy, rather than a pure democracy, that would prevent tyranny, but their intentions were thwarted as soon as political parties arose to control/influence our representatives. Go back and look at the definition of oligarchy and consider whether political parties are nothing but classes of people who see the power of government vested in themselves.#
  • Political parties are to democracy what monopolies are to capitalism, both corrupt the founding principles of their institutions, and those who enjoy the privileges of the power these oligarchies provide do everything they can to preserve those privileges. #
  • Consider the wealth of the founding fathers, most of whom were white, male, property owners. Washington and Jefferson owned plantations. When they wrote that all men were created equal, they assumed it understood that meant white, male, property owners and not others. The American Revolution was a war for white, male property owners to keep their wealth from the King of England.#
  • The Federalists vs Anti-Federalists debates, the Three-Fifths Compromise and associated Electoral College, the Civil War, Women's Suffrage, and the Jim Crow Laws were all moments when the true nature of the founding of the Unites States was exposed. What we are experiencing in the United States today is a continuation of how it has always been in the United States, the difference now is that the oligarchs have become so confident that they no longer care to continue pretending that there is actual democracy. The oligarchs have been able to convince a majority of the citizens of the United States that their aims align with the oligarchs, it is the realization of the "trickle down" ideology that Ronald Reagan preached.#
  • The Declaration of Independence has always hidden the prime question of civilization in plain sight. When Jefferson wrote:#
  • We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
  • The question is, liberty for whom? #
  • Truth is, the norm of civilization on the Earth, which over time has been called different things but which can be simply stated as empire, has never allowed for liberty of everyone. Over the course of history different forms of government have existed and even those that claim to be democracies institute class hierarchies that provide liberty for some at the expense of others. Governments are institutions of humans and reflect our human dualistic view of the world. Governments are necessary and not particularly bad, but humans need to be self aware of our instincts and vigilant at guarding against them. #
  • I believe the form of democracy in the United States as intended to exist through purpose, not the literal words, of the U.S. Constitution is as good a government that can provide liberty for everyone as any in the world, so long as citizens push back against our habit of seeing ourselves as better than and apart from our neighbor. I think such vigilance takes the form of placing core values above all others. #
  • One such core value is what does liberty mean? You can look up the word liberty in a dictionary and you will find several descriptions of what one may think of as freedom, but for me liberty boils down to my control over my body, which is exercised in many different ways such as to do as I please, to be free from restraint, and to decide what does and does not happen to my body. A Supreme Court that is unwilling to recognize that liberty, which is intended to be enshrined by our founding documents, extends to women's right to decide what happens to their body is violating the core value of liberty. #
  • The Bill of Rights defines other core values, but perhaps one most overlooked but closely related to liberty is the Ninth Amendment that states that it is the citizens who claim our rights and not only the Constitution. #
  • The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
  • The Constitution does not deny the rights retained by the people. Is a Supreme Court, or for that matter any member of Congress or President of the United States, that does not seem to know the definition of liberty or seeks to deny rights retained by the people acting in the best interests of the people as their representatives or are they acting in the best interests of their oligarch class? #
  • It is true that the founders, like Plato, were not fond of pure democracy and thus created a republic as a representative form of democracy. The founders were also not fond of the authority of the monarchy they just fought a war against, and so they created a system of government intended to preserve the best features of democracy while preventing against tyrannies be they of individuals or classes. Among but not limited to these features are the unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (Note the similarity between the Declaration and the Ninth Amendment) Beware of attempts to throw out democracy in the bathwater for that is language the political party oligarchs use to claim liberty for themselves at the expense of others. Let us be vigilant for that more perfect union that Madison wrote in the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution.#
A change to the theme I use for my blog broke the summary blog post plugin I was using to create summary entries on the main page for titled posts. I now have to manually enter the tag that tells the CMS to generate the summary post and link. To make this easier I created a simple script in Drummer to insert that tag in the next line, therefore I don't have to remember the syntax of the tag. Here in lies the power of using an editor like Drummer that supports scripts and the power of being able to use the editor of my choice to write blog posts. #
Yesterday Dave wrote about search and it reminds me about how much I miss Daytona, which died when Twitter killed their API. Some times I feel like I am the only person other than Dave who uses his stuff. When one writes daynotes like this to narrate one's work it is very useful to be able to search one's writing. I agree in principal with what Dave is thinking in regards to the usefulness of LLMs to query one's own writing. #
  • If one does not read the instructions, is it obvious how to get to a site in the blogroll to the right? #
  • Now that I added a blogroll page to my main blog I notice that one what I would consider main features of a blog roll, which is getting to the sites on the list, is not obvious. No obvious hyperlinks exist in the blogroll, to get to post of a site you need to click the date or time that is to the right of the entry. I personally do not think that this is obvious to a user who has never seen this function where as the simply list version produced by micro.blog provides an obvious hyperlink. #
  • I added a blogroll page, Other Bloggers, to my main blog that is hosted on micro.blog. The blogroll uses a new Recommendations feature recently added to micro.blog, which is inspired by Dave's work on blogrolls but not exactly the same. You see that the blogroll on the right of this page knows when a site has been updated and sorts the list in that chronological order. Dave's blogroll "widget" is connected to Feedland. Micro.blog recommendations is not connected to FeedLand and is a simple list of sites, although one can upload an OPML file to generate the site list. I have to add or remove sites via the Recommendations section of microblog design. #
  • One of the most powerful features of Drummer is the glossary. In summary, the glossary searches for defined strings and replaces that string with something else. I primarily use the glossary to have Old School create hyperlinks to sites I frequent refer to such as my blog.#
  • The glossary is an OPML file and I associate it to my blog by populating the OPML header urlGlossary with of the URL to the OPML file. I don't know how the glossary functionality works exactly but it appears to occur during the publishing process, but I pretty sure it is triggered via Build my blog. #
  • What I wish I could do is access the Glossary functionality from within Drummer. I imagine it working similar to a manually triggered spell check, select a menu option or trigger a script to "Run Glossary Check" and it would scan the contents of a node for any matching strings and replace them within the OPML file itself. So for example, it would change a string "my blog" with a markdown link using my blog as the link text, which when published to micro.blog will render as a hyperlink. #
  • Perhaps all I need is a glossary verb that would scan the text of a current node against a provided glossary file URL and converted any matches. The key difference here I think is initiating the scan from within Drummer and having the results affected OPML file in the open tab in Drummer. I wonder, can I write a script that does something like Find and Replace? #
I fear that Google's PIxel 9 series phones may mark the end of the lower cost "A" series Pixels that I use. Reports indicate the Pixel 9 series will have three models rather than just the two, with the base Pixel 9 sound much like an "A" series phone. I am probably not going out on a limb by saying that the Pixel 8a, which we will likely see announced at Google I/O may be the last of the "A" series line. Now, if the price of the Pixel 9 is similar previous "A" series phones then this might not mean more than different branding and different launch times, but until that is announced we will not know for sure.#
I've added more feeds to my feedland.org blogger category so that they appear in the blogroll. The feeds in this category are personal blogs rather than corporate/for profit blogs. I find the process in FeedLand for going through a large list of feeds and adding them to a category is cumbersome. It would be easier if I could easily/quickly select a group of feeds and specify them all to be set to a category rather than having to go into each one individually. By the way, this type of categorization would be useful task for an AI.#
I didn't have a chance to note this, but over the weekend Dave resolved an issue that was preventing all of the blogger feeds I selected to appear on the blogroll to the right. He also made changes to the appearance of the blogroll so that it doesn't draw as much attention and I think this helps with reading the content on the page.#
First day back at work after a four day weekend. #

© 2024 Frank McPherson

Last update: Tuesday July 23, 2024; 5:32 PM EDT.