of Frank McPherson
I think people who say they cannot vote for Harris due to the Biden administration's ongoing support of the military actions of Ukraine and Israel must think that Trump becoming president cannot be as such a risk as Harris and her supporters claim. Or at the very least the stand against U.S. military support and aggression is more important than the possibility of the loss of democracy in the United States.#
Most of these people say they do not support Trump either, so they either will not vote, vote third party or write in an candidate. Surely these people have to know that voting for neither of the two top candidates really is a vote for both. Basically, these people are making their decision based on their principles, which is their right, however I would like to point out that nearly all of the people who are supporting for Trump are also doing so based on their principles. #
Standing on principle alone feels good, but does it really lead to change? Consider what is the outcome that you want and what is the surest way that outcome can be achieved? Shouldn't the outcomes be what is more important than how you feel? Has Trump shown he will ever listen to anyone who tells him something that he does not want to hear? What about Harris? And, perhaps more important, what about the people that will be in the administration and the special interests that support them? Remember, a Democratic President got our military out of Afghanistan, a Republican President is the one who put the U.S. Military in their and in Iraq. #
Before us I see two options. One of those options I am certain will never listen to anyone who does not agree with him and who has been President and so I know how he and those around him will act should they return to that position. The other option may not agree entirely with me, but I also am certain there will be people in that administration and in that party who do agree with me. The probabilities for the outcomes I desire are higher with the second option than the first, even if right now that person does not appear willing to do everything that I wish they would do.#

© 2024 Frank McPherson

Last update: Tuesday October 8, 2024; 9:15 AM EDT.