.#SCOTUS argues #standing when it wants to keep sitting on the issue. — MATT TAIBBI: The Supreme Court Punts on #Censorship. The Supreme Court, predictably, sides with t https://t.co/eFc3cMS1mW [Link]#
.@AP management claims to listen to member shareholders but the shallowness of its #news reporting does not change. — EVERYTHING SEEMINGLY IS SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL: “Jamaal Bowman’s loss signals uncertainty of wher https://t.co/B91Nowezqe [Link]#
The media have made Americans the real losers in the debate. The #MSM wouldn’t know an issue wrapped up with a bow. — Let this be the last debate, by @donsurber https://t.co/51CmqMTftX [Link]#
Who does your @BarackObama /@JoeBiden #Democratic administration work for? Not you. — CRISIS BY DESIGN: Under Biden Administration, #Border Patrol Officers Pressured To Allow Border Cross https://t.co/USuBgw0RzA [Link]#
Report does not dis-aggregate local (useful), regional, and national(noise) #news. Nor does it show the decline of local retail business that funded 75% of print subscription costs. It avoids addressing the quality of #journalism at the heart of the issue. https://t.co/qKvV7KNl3O [Link]#
What to do about ever-expanding federal government.#
Zero based funding. Limited taxes. Smaller scope. Jefferson was right. Keep government as local as possible. — The Deeper State, by @utahprez https://t.co/9zMkssjwzG [Link]#
Lies are incompatible with society. Postmodernists lie by redefining the meaning of common words #
Take precautions is #postmodern for “Leave!” https://t.co/P5YkWnsN5Z [Link]#
RT @paulsperry_: 3 days before debate, Morell CIA aide Kristin Wood emailed intel folks to recruit them to sign fake intel re Hunter laptop… [Link]#
RT @emilyjashinsky: Just an incredible sequence of events here. ... ... -Clapper lied in a deposition about leaking very dubious intel to CNN... -Cl… [Link]#
RT @paulsperry_: The U.S. Intelligence Community claimed the Steele dossier was real and the Hunter laptop was fake. Our spooks got it back… [Link]#
The SAT exam should be the same for everyone. It no longer is. It cannot be trusted.#
RT @deb_fillman: Well I feel pretty stupid... I try to keep up in all the news y‘all need to have about education, but this slid by and I m… [Link]#
RT @chasrmartin: Given that it’s two yeas after Dobbs, and thus there’s a new crop of law clerks, and given that no one was openly blamed f… [Link]#
SCOTUS decides the government can’t fine individuals without a jury.#
RT @McAdooGordon: I’m late to the SCOTUS party today because we are moving today!... ... But I wanted to let you guys know that the decision toda… [Link]#
This will not be the final decision on the issue.#
RT @LeeSmithDC: The problem is the argument that the government ‘pressured‘ the platforms to censor Americans. The fact is that since Obama… [Link]#
Postmodernism is unAmerican because it encourages lying.#
RT @ScottAdamsSays: Democrats control words in America. They decided an obvious act of treason is called "Oops, we really thought it looked… [Link]#
Chilling. Communists stand only for effective power.#
RT @ConceptualJames: It doesn‘t matter what your views are; Communists don‘t represent you and your interests. Even if you‘re Communist. [Link]#
.#SCOTUS argues #standing when it wants to keep sitting on the issue. — MATT TAIBBI: The Supreme Court Punts on #Censorship. The Supreme Court, predictably, sides with t https://t.co/eFc3cMS1mW [Link]#
.@AP management claims to listen to member shareholders but the shallowness of its #news reporting does not change. — EVERYTHING SEEMINGLY IS SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL: “Jamaal Bowman’s loss signals uncertainty of wher https://t.co/B91Nowezqe [Link]#
The media have made Americans the real losers in the debate. The #MSM wouldn’t know an issue wrapped up with a bow. — Let this be the last debate, by @donsurber https://t.co/51CmqMTftX [Link]#
Who does your @BarackObama /@JoeBiden #Democratic administration work for? Not you. — CRISIS BY DESIGN: Under Biden Administration, #Border Patrol Officers Pressured To Allow Border Cross https://t.co/USuBgw0RzA [Link]#
Report does not dis-aggregate local (useful), regional, and national(noise) #news. Nor does it show the decline of local retail business that funded 75% of print subscription costs. It avoids addressing the quality of #journalism at the heart of the issue. https://t.co/qKvV7KNl3O [Link]#
What to do about ever-expanding federal government.#
Zero based funding. Limited taxes. Smaller scope. Jefferson was right. Keep government as local as possible. — The Deeper State, by @utahprez https://t.co/9zMkssjwzG [Link]#
Lies are incompatible with society. Postmodernists lie by redefining the meaning of common words #
Take precautions is #postmodern for “Leave!” https://t.co/P5YkWnsN5Z [Link]#
RT @paulsperry_: 3 days before debate, Morell CIA aide Kristin Wood emailed intel folks to recruit them to sign fake intel re Hunter laptop… [Link]#
RT @emilyjashinsky: Just an incredible sequence of events here. ... ... -Clapper lied in a deposition about leaking very dubious intel to CNN... -Cl… [Link]#
RT @paulsperry_: The U.S. Intelligence Community claimed the Steele dossier was real and the Hunter laptop was fake. Our spooks got it back… [Link]#
The SAT exam should be the same for everyone. It no longer is. It cannot be trusted.#
RT @deb_fillman: Well I feel pretty stupid... I try to keep up in all the news y‘all need to have about education, but this slid by and I m… [Link]#
RT @chasrmartin: Given that it’s two yeas after Dobbs, and thus there’s a new crop of law clerks, and given that no one was openly blamed f… [Link]#
SCOTUS decides the government can’t fine individuals without a jury.#
RT @McAdooGordon: I’m late to the SCOTUS party today because we are moving today!... ... But I wanted to let you guys know that the decision toda… [Link]#
This will not be the final decision on the issue.#
RT @LeeSmithDC: The problem is the argument that the government ‘pressured‘ the platforms to censor Americans. The fact is that since Obama… [Link]#
Postmodernism is unAmerican because it encourages lying.#
RT @ScottAdamsSays: Democrats control words in America. They decided an obvious act of treason is called "Oops, we really thought it looked… [Link]#
Chilling. Communists stand only for effective power.#
RT @ConceptualJames: It doesn‘t matter what your views are; Communists don‘t represent you and your interests. Even if you‘re Communist. [Link]#