Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • Possible election interference in the form of lawfare. #
    • Curiouser and curiouser. — Exclusive:#Biden Admin Planted Operative in #FaniWillis Office, Sources Say via @BreitbartNews [Link]#
  • Always worthwhile.#
    • .@VDHanson: Russia! Russia! Forever: An Anatomy of a Left-wing Obsession [Link]#
  • A cancer in the legal system.#
    • How rot enters the legal system. — BETTER TO 86 THE DIVERSITY STUFF ENTIRELY: ABA May Revise #Diversity Accreditation Standard To Incre [Link]#
  • A different way to fight mail-in ballot stuffing.#
    • Removing impossible addresses from election rolls set to receive mail-in ballots. — Patriot Streetfighters Show Republicans How To Win in 2024 #gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit [Link]#
  • It can be done, if the will and the votes are there.#
    • Javier Milei Ended a DC-Sized Deficit in...Nine Weeks [Link]#
  • Journalism fails again and again.#
    • RT @DavidAsmanfox: When mainstream media buries the lead…... ... AP report on Laken Riley murder omits suspect‘s immigration status, focuses on d… [Link]#
    • RT @EndWokeness: Hundreds of thousands just took to the streets to protest against the socialist regime in Brazil and if not for X, you wou… [Link]#
    • RT @LeeSmithDC: Key takeaway from good @omriceren post: "The Atlantic ... is just NPR for people who can read without moving their lips." [Link]#
    • RT @ByronYork: A funny story from Politico: The intelligence community worries that a second Trump term ‘could lead to an unprecedented lev… [Link]#
    • RT @MZHemingway: Because the Associated Press is, sadly, a disinformation and propaganda organization. [Link]#
  • A political DOJ intervening where it should not.#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: I think David Weiss is only nominally in control of his SCO.... ... Leo Wise -- the name on the paperwork contesting the rel… [Link]#
  • The people have the power. Government rulers just think they do.#
    • RT @visegrad24: BREAKING:... ... Farmers protesting against the EU Green Deal are using their tractors to break through barricades set up by the… [Link]#
  • Nasty government fail.#
    • RT @KevinKileyCA: Following the discovery of a secret, illegal Chinese bio lab in California, I requested an investigation by the House. Th… [Link]#
  • Always worthwhile.#
    • RT @newstart_2024: Thomas Sowell: How to Debate Leftists... Source: Benjamin Rothove (YouTube) [Link]#
  • Election malfeasance.#
    • RT @themarketswork: Marc likes to pretend that he didn’t work to influence multiple presidential elections, divide our nation and fundament… [Link]#
  • Microsoft reaches too far.#
    • RT @elonmusk: But since they now require that you use their services just to use your computer, @Microsoft can effectively shut off your co… [Link]#
  • Google reaches too far.#
    • RT @elonmusk: Given that the Gemini AI will be at the heart of every Google product and YouTube, this is extremely alarming!... ... The senior Go… [Link]#
    • RT @pmarca: I know it’s hard to believe, but Big Tech AI generates the output it does because it is precisely executing the specific ideolo… [Link]#
  • They are illegal aliens. Use the legal words.#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: 100% -- that is what they are called in Title 8 of the U.S. Code. ... ... When Congress changes the law, we can call them s… [Link]#
  • There are ways to get Venezuela to accept its citizens. Biden doesn’t want to play hardball.#
    • RT @jsolomonReports: Venezuela refuses to accept its citizens deported from US, Mexico: Report | Just The News [Link]#
  • One has to assume they were pawed through.#
    • RT @paulsperry_: BREAKING: Hur couldn‘t determine who had access to Biden‘s unsecured classified docs or whether they passed thru foreign h… [Link]#
  • Democrat hoax after hoax. Why is anyone still registered Democrat?#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: Russia Hoax Update (now 14)... ... 1. Russia collusion hoax (the original)... ... 2. Russian bounties on American soldiers hoax... ... 3.… [Link]#
  • Nice to see.#
    • RT @TheFigen_: Kindness won! [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday April 16, 2024; 9:05 PM EDT.