Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Monday February 26, 2024; 8:36 PM EST
  • Possible election interference in the form of lawfare. #
    • Curiouser and curiouser. — Exclusive:#Biden Admin Planted Operative in #FaniWillis Office, Sources Say via @BreitbartNews [Link]#
  • Always worthwhile.#
    • .@VDHanson: Russia! Russia! Forever: An Anatomy of a Left-wing Obsession [Link]#
  • A cancer in the legal system.#
    • How rot enters the legal system. — BETTER TO 86 THE DIVERSITY STUFF ENTIRELY: ABA May Revise #Diversity Accreditation Standard To Incre [Link]#
  • A different way to fight mail-in ballot stuffing.#
    • Removing impossible addresses from election rolls set to receive mail-in ballots. — Patriot Streetfighters Show Republicans How To Win in 2024 #gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit [Link]#
  • It can be done, if the will and the votes are there.#
    • Javier Milei Ended a DC-Sized Deficit in...Nine Weeks [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday April 16, 2024; 9:05 PM EDT.