Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • Journalism fail.#
    • Nolte: Doomed CNN Forced to ‘Dramatically’ Slash Anchor Salaries via @BreitbartNews [Link]#
  • Getting closer to the liar in chief.#
    • House Republicans Learn of Bank Account Used to Funnel Money to Joe Biden [Link]#
  • Why is anyone still a Democrat?#
    • .#Democrats’ unAmerican approach to America. — Is America a Solution or a Mixture?, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • The larger government gets the easier it is for sharlatans to prevail.#
    • And get small, again, as the #Constitution proposed. — Do your job, DC, by @donsurber [Link]#
  • “Lost.��#
    • Indicates a compromised @DOJ. — Special Counsel: #Biden Lost Top Secret Docs While Vacationing in Hamptons via @BreitbartNews [Link]#
  • Nasty, if true.#
    • US Govt Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intel Community For Illegal #Spying & #Election Interference, Say Sources [Link]#
  • Cold is to be feared more.#
    • And also overlooked Earth’s cooling driven by reduced #CO2. — Yes, Popular Mechanics, Scientists ‘Have Miscalculated Our #Global Warming Timeline’ via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • So much for whistleblower protections.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: Meanwhile [Link]#
  • Non-responsive.#
    • RT @primalpoly: Someone please explain to me why the security guards paid to protect the literal US Constitution did not, in fact, protect… [Link]#
  • Violating international standards.#
    • RT @hahussain: When #Israel said Hamas had a command center under Gaza‘s Shifa hospital, Israel was right, now vindicated by NYT.... ... When Isr… [Link]#
  • Unfair but Democratic.#
    • RT @WallStreetSilv: Migrants are getting 40% more from the government funded snap program than low-income Americans in NYC. ... ... (SNAP) issues… [Link]#
  • Juveniles.#
    • RT @Not_the_Bee: A married mom of 2 was killed at the Chiefs parade. Why won‘t the media or police reveal the IDs of the accused shooters?… [Link]#
  • Some kind of leadership that undermines the country.#
    • RT @laralogan: Amazing to look back at how they implemented this Russia-collusion lie - they were the ones responsible for all of it all al… [Link]#
  • So charge @JoeBiden.#
    • RT @TomFitton: RICO update... [Link]#
  • democrats fail at governance yet again. Without consequence.#
    • RT @jsolomonReports: Homeland’s secret: Agency admitted in emails to reporter it fails to track illegal immigrants released into US interio… [Link]#
  • Politics, not justice.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: Jack Smith comes as close as ever to admitting a verdict is necessary before Election Day.... ... What Smith avoids—but the cou… [Link]#
    • RT @ByronYork: Why does Jack Smith keep urging courts to speed up the Trump trial without mentioning that he, Smith, is racing to try, conv… [Link]#
  • Clean house.#
    • RT @JonathanTurley: There is a disturbing report this week that U.S. intelligence may have nudged foreign intelligence to surveil dozens of… [Link]#
  • Finally.#
    • RT @CollinRugg: NEW: The House has approved a resolution condemning r*pe and s*xual violence committed by Hamas in their war with Israel.… [Link]#
  • No surprise.#
    • RT @paulsperry_: NEW: Tony Bobulinski‘s lawyer has sent a letter to House Oversight ranking member Jamie Raskin blasting him for "mischarac… [Link]#
  • Also no surprise.#
    • RT @Jim_Jordan: The Biden administration is considering a new plan to release thousands of illegal aliens from detention into your city.… [Link]#
  • Abuse of government.#
    • RT @RandPaul: It’s time to end the unconstitutional spying on Americans and restore our 4th Amendment rights! No more sacrificing our freed… [Link]#
  • No surprise.#
    • RT @BasedMikeLee: So let me get this right—Biden is:... ... (1) announcing a plan to enforce existing border-security laws even LESS than he has�� [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday April 30, 2024; 7:25 PM EDT.