Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Thursday February 15, 2024; 7:41 PM EST
  • Journalism fail.#
    • Nolte: Doomed CNN Forced to ‘Dramatically’ Slash Anchor Salaries via @BreitbartNews [Link]#
  • Getting closer to the liar in chief.#
    • House Republicans Learn of Bank Account Used to Funnel Money to Joe Biden [Link]#
  • Why is anyone still a Democrat?#
    • .#Democrats’ unAmerican approach to America. — Is America a Solution or a Mixture?, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • The larger government gets the easier it is for sharlatans to prevail.#
    • And get small, again, as the #Constitution proposed. — Do your job, DC, by @donsurber [Link]#
  • “Lost.��#
    • Indicates a compromised @DOJ. — Special Counsel: #Biden Lost Top Secret Docs While Vacationing in Hamptons via @BreitbartNews [Link]#
  • Nasty, if true.#
    • US Govt Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intel Community For Illegal #Spying & #Election Interference, Say Sources [Link]#
  • Cold is to be feared more.#
    • And also overlooked Earth’s cooling driven by reduced #CO2. — Yes, Popular Mechanics, Scientists ‘Have Miscalculated Our #Global Warming Timeline’ via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday April 30, 2024; 7:25 PM EDT.