My ideal workforce re-entrance would be to utilize my acquired knowledge to help solve a company's technical problems. I am very good at finding the right tools for the job, even if it means learning the tool initially before using it. My current passion is using Python to create scripts that work with data, including web scraping and data cleaning.
I've come to the realization that my "retirement plan" is really not working as I had hoped. I've chewed through more money than I anticipated, mainly due to not changing my lifestyle. I also was "forced" into early retirement when the company I was working for got sold during the summer of 2020 to a larger company who was just buying customers. I did try to adjust to their way of working, but I pissed off the CTO when I caught him lying about something that I had given them correct information about. It took nine months, but they finally made up some bogus crap and forced me out in June of 2021. I was really in shock, as that had never happened to me during my entire career. I spent the rest of that year feeling very lost and not sure what to do. Plus, it didn't help that I was 68 years old! The following year, I did a fair amount of consulting/contract work, but my main customer's company got sold, and I was out in the cold again. I've spent the last 18+ months learning about AI and large language models and have become pretty well-versed in the subject, but now I need to market myself. I'm looking mainly for remote contract work.
Another bitter cold day today, but at least the snow that surprised us at evening rush hour yesterday has moved out.