A place to noodle...
Today is the 30th anniversary of Dave Winer's blog, Scripting News. I've been reading it probably since its beginning. I incorporated Dave's Userland Frontier back in the early 90s into an automated workflow for service bureaus, printers, and newspapers. My partner and I bundled it with our product called Let'er Rip! that downloaded Postscript to different types of imagesetters back in the heyday of desktop publishing. Frontier was at the heart of the automation before AppleScript had come on the scene. Congratulations Dave!#
During the bad storms last night, we lost power for 6-7 hours. I ended up watching the Steelers game on my iPhone. I found out the power came back on around 3:30 AM because Alexis announced loudly that our Wi-Fi wasn't connected to the internet.#

© 2022 - 2024 Gary Thompson

Last update: Monday October 7, 2024; 1:34 PM EDT.