of Frank McPherson
We are back to the average fall temperatures this morning.#
The header graphic on this page is Lake Michigan/Green Bay from Hennes Park in Menominee, Michigan. The small picture to the above right is the Mackinac Bridge. The right side picture is probably too wide, but I think making it smaller makes it hard to see the full width of the bridge.#
We actually had kids show up at our front door last night for Halloween. Given that we live in a condo, this has not happened for most of the 25 years that we have lived here.#
Why is it such a pain to change auto insurance provider? #
Android 15 is getting a battery charging limit feature in QPR1 that should be released by the end of the year.#

© 2024 Frank McPherson

Last update: Friday November 1, 2024; 3:52 PM EDT.