of Frank McPherson
Like this quote from The Atlantic about coverage of the latest Trump press event. #
And then, once everyone cleans up and shakes the debris off their phones and laptops, so much of what Trump said seems too bonkers to have come from a former president and the nominee of a major party that journalists are left trying to piece together a story as if Trump were a normal person. This is what The Atlantic's editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, has described as the “bias toward coherence,” and it leads to careful circumlocutions instead of stunned headlines.
The bias toward coherence... like that. #
I have a hard time believing there are really "undecided" voters at this stage, at least in deciding between the two leading candidates. People know Trump and are either for him or against him and had the same opinion in 2020. Maybe there are people deciding whether to vote for either or some other third party candidate, or not vote at all. I honestly think that too much attention is spent on the Presidential race and not enough on the races for Congress, particularly the Senate. Not much gets done without the Senate.#

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Last update: Saturday August 10, 2024; 10:47 AM EDT.