of Frank McPherson
While I agree with the point that Dave is making regarding our failing democracy, I think an honest assessment is that the United States has really never been a democracy. It's always been an oligarchy veiled by a republic. The republican/representative democracy instituted by wealthy white men was immediately controlled by the invention of political parties, which Washington warned us about. It has taken more than 240 years for the system to evolve to where we are today that is completely controlled by wealth. The Presidency is simply the most powerful position in the world that money can buy and SCOTUS, which is the authoritarian branch of our fine government, made that official with the Citizens United and Trump immunity decisions. #
Back home after a trip back to the home town for my 40th high school reunion. I had a great time catching up with my classmates.#

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Last update: Thursday July 11, 2024; 11:26 AM EDT.