of Frank McPherson
I've added more feeds to my feedland.org blogger category so that they appear in the blogroll. The feeds in this category are personal blogs rather than corporate/for profit blogs. I find the process in FeedLand for going through a large list of feeds and adding them to a category is cumbersome. It would be easier if I could easily/quickly select a group of feeds and specify them all to be set to a category rather than having to go into each one individually. By the way, this type of categorization would be useful task for an AI.#
I didn't have a chance to note this, but over the weekend Dave resolved an issue that was preventing all of the blogger feeds I selected to appear on the blogroll to the right. He also made changes to the appearance of the blogroll so that it doesn't draw as much attention and I think this helps with reading the content on the page.#
First day back at work after a four day weekend. #

© 2024 Frank McPherson

Last update: Monday April 22, 2024; 9:50 AM EDT.