Sunday July 30, 2023; 5:22 PM EDT
- This past week the Linking Your Thinking YouTube video had a video on switching from Evernote to Obsidian. I think the pitch being made in the video to replace Evernote with Obsidian is a bit over the top but it provides what turns out to be simple instructions for importing Evernote Exports in to Obsidian using the Importer community plugin. I followed the instructions to create a Evernote folder in my main Obsidian vault (I don't use Obsidian much so this vault doesn't have much in it) and then create subfolders for each of the imported Evernote notebooks. The key thing is that web clips that became embedded images or HTML linked images import with the same fidelity as they appear in Evernote, so the result is I now all of those notes in a new app so if for some reason Evernote were to just down tomorrow I will not have lost anything. (The first thing I did when I heard about the latest news was create a fresh export of all my Evernote notes I want to be sure to note lose.)#
- Problem is, these Evernote notes are only accessible in my Macbook. Obsidian does not store notes on a server accessed via the Internet, but it does provide a form of peer synchronization between instances of the app running on different platforms. I don't pay for the synchronization add-on because I don't need it as so far I have only dabbled with Obsidian. #
- A interesting upside is that the Obsidian importer actually converts each Evernote note to a markdown file that is stored in a folder named by the notebook in which the note was contained. Any embedded or attached items are stored in another folder and the importer creates a markdown link to each of those items. I should able to copy the entire folder structure from the home folder on my Macbook to a file sharing service like Google Drive or OneDrive and at worse case be able to find the markdown file and open them using any text editor. #
- By the way, I had found a MacOS command line tool called evernot2md that converts Evernote notes to markdown files but it does not handled embedded images consistently and so I decided it does not fit my need. #