Sunday February 2, 2025; 6:00 PM EST
- See what the light of day brings.#
- Ah, so expecting intellectual honesty from @BillKristol may have been a mistake. [Link]#
- Google serves Google, not you.#
- How to bend Google search to your will rather than that of Google. — “Just give me the f***ing links!”—Cursing disables Google’s AI overviews [Link]#
- A Cliff Notes guide to the news.#
- A most complete account of interesting federal actions your legacy media may have missed on purpose. — Trump’s Second Week: A Turning Point in American Governance - American Thinker [Link]#
- Journalism fail.#
- New York Magazine twisted narrative reveals it deserves no journalism cred. — The Mean Girls of liberal media [Link]#
- Follow the money.#
- Doubtless @LindseyGrahamSC was concerned about the high percentage of overhead ... and may have had a say in it. What was USAID doing? [Link]#
- One of the Democratic Party’s weaker links.#
- The DNC deserves this. [Link]#
- Brennan’s loyalties lie with Obama or elsewhere.#
- Why FAFO entered the political lexicon. — John Brennan‘s Protests To President Trump Lifting His Security Clearances Are Absurd [Link]#
- One back door and they all could have back doors.#
- China lost all trust. But it never should have had any. — Widely Used Chinese-Made Health Monitor Using ‘Backdoor‘ To Send Patient Data To Chinese IP Address — [Link]#
- Climate scam.#
- One bad card built a house of cards that needs to fall. —EPA’s “Carbon Scare Framework” aka “Endangerment Finding” – A Classic Case of Government Overreach via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
- “This “prequel” posting will now highlight three tricks of the green energy narrative: misleading language, false problem and narrative control.” — How the Green Energy Narrative confuses things via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
- Whatever. It will change for the better, for that is in their interest.#
- Mexico -- Friend, Enemy, Neutral, or Something Else? [Link]#