Sunday January 19, 2025; 8:50 PM EST
- If you won’t do your job, goodbye.#
- Make these a prima facie case for removal. — Lessons About the Civil Service and Political Appointees, by @cremieuxrecueil [Link]#
- Journalism fail.#
- Neither @nytimes nor @wapo make good journalistic yardsticks. [Link]#
- Government and journalism fail.#
- Sadly, so much material to work with. — Highlights of the week, by @donsurber [Link]#
- Tomorrow is America’s first step to recover.#
- Few expected Argentina to show the way, reducing offical parasites. — TURNS OUT, MILTON FRIEDMAN WAS RUNNING THE SHOW: [Link]#
- Embarrasing.#
- @SenGillibrand Please, @SenGillibrand , before gaslighting, get down from your soapbox long enough to understand the Constitution, the law, and your responsibilities. [Link]#
- The inauguration, finally.#
- Accurate analysis from Instapundit. [Question: For non-subscribers is Substack’s Share button not working on purpose?] — Happy DJT Day [Link]#
- Democrats! Is there anythingthey can do?#
- Democrats and Yellen pushed us to reach the debt limit. — In Her Last Official Act, Yellen Warns US Will Hit Debt Ceiling One Day After Trump Inauguration [Link]#
- Overblown noise.#
- Someone explain to strident climate activists what negligible means. — Gases from Asthma Inhalers Cause Negligible Warming via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#