Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • Britain is wrong and needs to defend its citizens.#
    • So long as they ignore the basic requirements of society they must be stopped. — The Gates of Gaza [Link]#
  • Science got lost.#
    • What happened to common sense? — Grid battery cost issue storm looms in Massachusetts via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • A start.#
    • House Republican‘s bill would rip federal funds from states that give illegal immigrants driver‘s licenses #FoxNews [Link]#
  • The Constitution takes precedence over state law.#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: THREADETTE: A few thoughts here. As I noted before, I thought Trump might try to leap-frog over some of NY higher cour… [Link]#
  • A criminal coddled and encouraged by Democrats.#
    • RT @paulsperry_: BREAKING: Former FBI Director McCabe opened a full criminal investigation of sitting President Trump on the same day--May… [Link]#
  • Pithy.#
    • RT @TheBabylonBee: In honor of Facebook ending its fact-checking partnerships, here are the funniest fact-checks of Babylon Bee jokes:... ... A r… [Link]#
  • Consequences.#
    • RT @NiohBerg: This is a very important symptom of mass immigration: The gradual disappearance of women from crowded public spaces out of fe… [Link]#
  • Why hasn’t Congress done this?#
    • RT @GovRonDeSantis: This morning, the Twenty-Second Statewide Grand Jury released its final report. This Grand Jury was tasked with investi… [Link]#
  • And Biden’s minions released him whil Bien was senile. #
    • RT @Sultanknish: Tawfiq Nasir Awad Al-Bihani, an Al Qaeda terrorist, vowed that if he was ever released, he would kill Americans and come… [Link]#
  • Biden’s minions, again.#
    • RT @davereaboi: Biden pulling money from Israel, sending it to help rebuild Hezbollah [Link]#
  • They should have been celebrated by all Canadians.#
    • RT @DavidAsmanfox: Yes, the Canadian truckers…who had the guts to stand up to Trudeau’s totalitarian tilt with a strength and reverence fo… [Link]#
  • Fact checking had nothing to do with facts.#
    • RT @SethDillon: Fact checking almost killed The Babylon Bee. So many of our jokes were rated "false" that the media began to characterize u… [Link]#
  • Fool. Powerful fool. #
    • RT @IvankaNews_: 🚨BREAKING:... ... London’s Metropolitan Police Chief, Mark Rowley has said they will extradite and arrest US citizens over their… [Link]#
  • Fascinating technology.#
    • RT @michxlai: Nvidia just released free AI courses.... ... No payment needed.... ... Here are 9 courses you don‘t want to miss in 2025:… [Link]#
  • Education has been diminished by official academics.#
    • RT @LadyDemosthenes: Okay… I have a rant about how academia is handling composition classes!... ... We place writing under “English” classes, and… [Link]#

Last update: Wednesday January 8, 2025; 5:08 PM EST.