Sunday December 29, 2024; 2:30 PM EST
- The Deep State has reason to fear what they did.#
- Why should they fear being held accountable for their actions? — Pandemic Hawks Circle Dr. Jay: Pundits Launch Attacks On Bhattacharya Ahead Of Confirmation Hearings [Link]#
- Equality.#
- Then the Taliban should follow the same rules. [Link]#
- Liars by habit.#
- Leftists value facts only enough to undermine them to further their revolution. — Contrary to today’s leftists, early Christians knew Christ was from Judea, not ‘Palestine’ - American Thinker [Link]#
- When the Deep State tries not to know, they know something they don’t want you to know. — January 6th and the Dog That Didn’t Bark [Link]#
- Facebook is oppressive.#
- How ironic that #Facebook thinks this revelation in a post goes against community standards. What makes up Facebook’s community? [Link]#
- Clarity is refreshing.#
- Clear thinking comes but once a century? — The Capital is Like Brigadoon - American Thinker [Link]#
- Nuts!#
- Who knew, and who could remember? — DIE YOUNG? Rapid brain aging occurs at three distinct ages, scientists discover: Here’s how to slow it down. [Link]#
- Expect Facebook to supress this fact.#
- When liars lie about lies only fools and Democrats believe them. — 2024: The Year of Lying Dangerously, by @utahprez [Link]#
- Democrats tell you about themselves every day and in every way.#
- @CarpeDonktum It’s not a brilliant move for Democrats for it reveals they have nothing positive for which to stand. ... Why are people still registered Democrat anyway? [Link]#
- How Democrat of @GovKathyHochul to extort more money from New Yorkers for whatever reason she can conjure up. [Link]#
- Note and reject that leftists and Democrats tout “our democracy” when they know darn well it is no such thing. [Link]#
- The good old days.#
- @ProfMJCleveland 1960s. We’d ride bikes miles and miles. Just be home by dark. [Link]#
- Smile.#
- Scroll and feel good about many people. — Thread by @tradingMaxiSL on Thread Reader App [Link]#