Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Friday October 18, 2024; 3:12 PM EDT
  • They are elected to do it right.#
    • Okeechobee Officials Who ‘Mistakenly‘ Banned Guns Face Consequences [Link]#
  • And it shows.#
    • .#character matters. #Democrats have shown little, if any. Anti-society is not a way to build #society . — A Little Rant, by @utahprez [Link]#
    • .#Democrats are broken and they don’t care. Time to slap them upside the head with a halibut. — Merry Electionmas!, by @utahprez [Link]#
    • FTA: #Democrats are the "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" party. — The Morning Briefing: Donald #Trump — Come for the Jokes, Stay for the Awesome Second Term [Link]#
    • Bypassing #Congress and impoverishing America. — ‘Clear Conflict of Interest’: #Biden-#Harris #environmental Justice Advisors Raked In Nearly $500 Million From Taxpayers via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#

Last update: Friday October 18, 2024; 3:28 PM EDT.