Saturday August 24, 2024; 6:32 PM EDT
- Consider why @RFKJr. decided to abandon the Democratic Party that has abandoned you.#
- Get your #redpill here! — The Week in Pictures: Deja #Obama -vu All Over Again [Link]#
- Long but worthwhile #RFKJr testimony defining #malinformation and exposing unethical #Democratic #fascist efforts to suppress the truth. [Link]#
- Read the full #RFKJr speech here to see how selfish #unprincipled venal politicians have taken over the #Democratic Party and levers of government. — RFK Jr. Exits Race, Endorses Trump: In The Name Of Saving Democracy, The Democratic Party Is Dismantling It… [Link]#
- What #JFKJr. did to @KamalaHarris and the #DNC — TRUE: Quoth RFK, Jr.: “How did the De [Link]#
- So much for our constitutional republic.#
- .#Democrats threaten a dangerous #constitutional tipping point careening toward autocratic rule.. — @SenSchumer potentially eliminating the filibuster is the key to a radical agenda [Link]#
- .#DNC dripping with #unserious #baroque broke theater. — 96 hours at the @KamalaHarris show: schmaltzy soundbites and spray-on chinos [Link]#
- ‘Egregious Federal Overreach’: Utah Files Major Lawsuit That Could Diminish Federal Control Of Public Lands via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
- The sign that Democrat leaders have stolen their party.#
- Lies matter. Politicians who misrepresent the truth do not respect, society, or ultimately themselves. They don’t know enough to govern wisely. — 14 #Lies @KamalaHarris Told During Her #DNC Speech [Link]#
- Real journalism.#
- Reporting the #news with sarcasm and humor. — Highlights of the week, by @donsurber [Link]#
- We don’t need the threat of a strong China.#
- Everything is temporary. Don’t get cocky. — EVERYTHING IS GOING SWIMMINGLY, CHAIRMAN XI: Chinese Weakness is the Real “China Shock:” [Link]#
- Misrepresenting the SCOTUS procedural decision.#
- @RealHickory Because it was a vote on legal procedure, not the policy itself, even though the procedure causes the policy to be shelved. [Link]#