Friday August 23, 2024; 3:25 PM EDT
- The old Democratic Party, hijacked by Obama and hidden by lies and the legacy media, has been called out.#
- Yes, #Democrats have both policies and a record. Voting Democrat means encouraging subversion of the #Constitution that defends you. You’d think #liberal corporate media would practice #journalism . [Link]#
- It’s sad and dangerous when the #Democrats’ goal is to confuse you. Never vote for someone who would purposely confuse you. — JUST FACTS: In today’s email alert from James Agresti’s superb research group: “VP @KamalaHarris [Link]#
- For all the #DemocraticParty lies that disrespect voters, on Election Day, #DNR the #DNC. [Link]#
- Selling her soul for power and selling us down the river. — #Lies, Damned Lies, and #Kamala’s Propaganda About Gaza and Israel [Link]#
- FTA: #Biden‘s "inner circle worked to conceal his decline" = #Democrats #Lied. Can’t trust them ever again. They don’t respect you. — NOW They Tell Us: State-Run Media Admits #Kamala Insiders Lied All Along About Joe‘s Dementia [Link]#
- .#DC has ceased to be governance and switched to #unconstitutional rule. Most ‘swamp’ managers say voters don’t matter via @dcexaminer [Link]#
- From their outrageous economic policies and proposals, #Democrats hate the #middleclass . Then again, it seems they pretty much hate everyone and only pretend to love other Democrats. [Link]#
- The real election issue.#
- Effective memes. Vote wisely. — SABO STRIKES AGAIN: [caption id="attachment_668566" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Screenshot[/ [Link]#
- Nefarious people trying to reassert old-fashioned, top-down rule.#
- Thought crimes are what authorities think you might be thinking. But it’s what the authorities are thinking that should be illegal. — After a Six-Month Investigation, British Police Determine That Silent Prayer Is Not a Crime. Or Is It? [Link]#
- BRITAIN IS BECOMING A #RACIST, #TOTALITARIAN STATE: I’m Sure Throwing J.K. Rowling In Jail Over Her Tweets Will Calm Everything Down. [Link]#
- Ballots should be legal, with a chain of custody, and match voter totals.#
- .#Election irregularities happen. Stop it now! — Ohio attorney general given names of registrations by noncitizens via @JustTheNews [Link]#
- Selfishly.#
- Politics has butchered #climate / #energy decisions and policy. — Tangled Comparisons: #Renewables Versus #Fossil Fuels via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#