Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Friday July 26, 2024; 5:57 PM EDT
  • Insidious surreptitious postmodern revisionist social engineering. IOW: stealing your governance.#
    • Danger! The concept depreciates “#individuals.” It’s individuals who create #society at the edge where any two individuals/groups meet with humility & reciprocity. #Communists want Top-down rule over Bottom-up governance.—Learn: ‘Whole of Society’ [Link]#
    • .#Postmodernism, #deconstructionism and #progressivism are all the result of individuals seeking to explain their lack of success — Madame Border Czar, by @utahprez [Link]#
    • .#Leftist Top-down rule replacing bottom-up governance. #Elitists never stop. — #Biden Administration Launches A Great Leap Forward Into #Green Energy via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Journalism.#
    • CHANGE? Rupert Murdoch is going to court to push his 3 more liberal kids out of his Fox and News Corp [Link]#
  • Follow the science.#
    • Someone tell weathercasters and shrill #climate advocates. — Saharan dust regulates hurricane rainfall via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#

Last update: Friday July 26, 2024; 6:12 PM EDT.