Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • J.K.Rowling describes a liberal disease. The consequences in America.#
    • @Tom_Maguire Tom, do you realize what is at stake? We have three months to stop 1984 postmodern lying progressives from removing all individual integrity in society. [Link]#
    • @Tom_Maguire You do not see the scope of the problem. Harry Potter described Valdemort’s fatal flaw, “You do not value what you cannot see.” Count the #Lies . The #bullying . They wrest your #individuality away from you, destroying #society and #institutions along the way. #Dems don’t care. [Link]#
    • Democrats hate their own individuality, undermining it by replacing bottom-up governance with top-down rule, schooling over education, and bullying what’s left. See the lies and you will see the danger.The Democrat Party is an Abomination, by @utahprez [Link]#
    • You have three months to stop #1984 #postmodern #Lying #progressives from removing all individual integrity in society. — Mental Distancing, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • They are a way to bypass checks and balances.#
    • NGOs REQUIRE MUCH MORE SCRUTINY: Quelle Surprise: Much of the Funding Against Europe’s ‘Far-Right’ [Link]#
  • Room for some Political Science.#
    • Why are voters still registered #Democrat despite evidence Democrat power-brokers have stolen the people’s party? — Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup [Link]#
  • Not feasible.#
    • FTA: “plans for #NetZero – just a series of technically and economically illiterate fantasies” — How the failure of carbon capture risks causing a net zero nightmare via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • The #NYTimes decided to avoid reporting.#
    • Read this to get a better handle on #Netanyahu and, secondly, how #NYTimes’ misreporting made itself irrelevant. — #Democrats side with Hamas, by @donsurber [Link]#
  • Paying for our own destruction.#
    • RT @RichardGrenell: So Biden has given sanctions relief, cash and credit to the Radical Regime in Iran who then turned around and funded Oc… [Link]#
    • RT @RNCResearch: Co-Press Secretary John Kirby acknowledges "Iran has been funding and encouraging some of the protest activity in the Unit… [Link]#
  • Kamala.#
    • RT @greg_price11: BREAKING: The House just voted in favor of a resolution condemning border czar Kamala Harris for the open border catastro… [Link]#
    • RT @claricefeldman7: FTA: A federal prosecutor who oversaw sweeping arrests of anti-Trump demonstrators in the nation’s capital manipulated… [Link]#
    • RT @realchrisrufo: Joe Biden himself declared Kamala Harris the pinnacle of DEI: "The values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literall… [Link]#
    • RT @JackPosobiec: BREAKING: DNC moves to hold ‘virtual‘ nomination of Kamala before August convention, blocks delegates from nominating new… [Link]#
    • RT @RichardGrenell: Every Democrat must be asked if they agree with Kamala that we should get rid of ICE, private health insurance, frackin… [Link]#
    • RT @GenFlynn: This may be a lot for most to absorb but these are the type of policy actions the corporate media won’t discuss and the WH wi… [Link]#
  • Undermining education.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: Universities are a metastatic cancer. Here, the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS), has merely rebrande… [Link]#
    • RT @greg_price11: Kamala Harris just thanked AFT President Randi Weingarten, the horrible cretan who locked kids out of school, forced them… [Link]#
  • Political Science.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: "Global citizenship" is a Communist scam. [Link]#
    • RT @GenFlynn: When you hear the phrase, we don’t have elections, we have selections, this excellent @NEWSMAX story by @CarlHigbie says it a… [Link]#
  • Political theater.#
    • RT @blackhawkce457: His watch wasn’t on the right time during his “live” speech. ... ... The internet is undefeated [Link]#
    • RT @RichardGrenell: The same people who said Joe was fine - are now saying Democracy has been saved. ... ... Joe quit because the elites forced h… [Link]#
  • Not theirs to take down and destroy.#
    • RT @SpeakerJohnson: Earlier today, pro-Hamas protesters took down the American flags at Union Station, burned them and raised Palestinian f… [Link]#
  • Gaslinging is lying.#
    • RT @chasrmartin: But a bunch of civilians on the ground had no trouble. [Link]#
    • RT @charliekirk11: The fake news is now saying that when conservatives call Kamala Harris a DEI candidate it‘s racist. What about when Joe… [Link]#
    • RT @bariweiss: Altogether now: Kamala Harris was never the ‘border czar‘ . . . ... ... Scorcher by @petersavodnik in @TheFP on the press rewritin… [Link]#
  • Their privilege, but foolish.#
    • RT @PeterSweden7: BREAKING: German publisher CANCELS JD Vance book "Hillbilly elegy".... ... Free speech is under attack in Europe. [Link]#
  • Illegal subversion.#
    • RT @JamesOKeefeIII: Why? [Link]#
    • RT @robbystarbuck: This is happening in every state. Tag your state AG and ask them to investigate ActBlue over their ghost donations. This… [Link]#
    • RT @stillgray: Ghost donors are giving money to ActBlue and they’re using the identities of the elderly to do it. Can anyone explain how a… [Link]#
  • Election law abuse.#
    • RT @BehizyTweets: BREAKING: Trump‘s campaign has informed media outlets that they will be hearing from Trump‘s lawyers for violating the Eq… [Link]#
  • Joy!#
    • RT @iamyesyouareno: During the summer months you can listen to Chopin‘s classical music for free every weekend in this beautiful park in Wa… [Link]#

Last update: Thursday July 25, 2024; 5:17 PM EDT.