Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Tuesday July 16, 2024; 5:22 PM EDT
  • About the leftist Democrats ...#
    • ANALYSIS: TRUE. They Don’t Want ‘Unity,’ They Want A Reset. Don’t Give It To Them. [Link]#
    • .#Democrats want rule from the top. #Republicans prefer governance by individuals from below. It‘s in the @Constitution. The former is too dangerous. — The Roots of American Partisanship, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • The Secret Service.#
    • Intentionally obtuse #SecretService director.. [Link]#
  • Better journalism.#
    • Don Surber puts do much in context that corporate media intentionally misses. — You know, for a guy shot in the face, #Trump is having a good week, by @donsurber [Link]#
  • A policy conflict.#
    • A #climate and #energy yardstick for you. �� @Google and @Microsoft now each consume more power than some fairly big countries [Link]#
    • Electricity Rationing At Charging Stations Due To Limited Charging Infrastructure in Europe via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Gotcha Journalism failed fifty years ago.#
    • MSNBC Wonk Tries to Ambush Don Jr. Hilarity Ensues. [Link]#
  • As ye sow, so shall ye reap.#
    • You want mail-in ballots, #Democrats ? Okay, here you go. — THE ESTABLISHMENT HAS BEEN SCREWING WITH ELON, AND HE’S RETURNING THE FAVOR: [Link]#
  • Don’t expect to learn about Vance from the corporate media.#
    • Concise, informative, and useful. — @JDVance1 [Link]#
  • The anti-gun zealots don’t care.#
    • COLOR ME UNSURPRISED: #gun Carry Laws Don’t Increase Gun Theft or Gun Crimes. [Link]#
  • Postmodeern word abuse.#
    • But @JoeBiden didn’t say crosshairs. — GREAT MOMENTS IN INTERVIEW PREP: Watch: Joe Biden Is Asked About His Inciteful ‘Bullseye’ #Trump Comment [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday September 3, 2024; 5:33 PM EDT.