Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Thursday July 11, 2024; 5:26 PM EDT
  • Perverting reality oblivious to the damage they do.#
    • Nothing they touch is worth using. — LinkedIn, Google Openly Censor Conservatives (Again) After #SCOTUS Murthy Decision [Link]#
    • Our Brezhnev, Our Pravda, Our Soviet Union. . . [Link]#
    • @SteveKrak That is 100 percent anti-social! A lie is the most disrespectful thing you could do to anyone, short of murdering them. It shows complete lack of regard for you, for society, and for them. What dimwitted, unthinking fools. Half of the blame goes to schools that fail to educate. [Link]#
  • Accountability.#
    • .#Accountability — ENDING THE CULTURE OF IMPUNITY: University of Florida withholds diploma, suspends pro-Palestinian activists. [Link]#
  • Politics the the game of small people.#
    • Most #Democrats deserve their leadership but we and the rest of America do not. — The Night They Drove Old Joey Down, by @utahprez [Link]#
    • Most #Democrats deserve their leadership but we and therest of America do not. — @JoeBiden likely stays, by @donsurber [Link]#
  • Climate and Energy meet.#
    • .@Google’s #NetZero Plans Are Going Up in Smoke via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Political Science 101.#
    • Large and centralized is a prescription for political and foolish. — @NATO’s Jejune #Climate Risk Assessment Ignores the Real Threats to The West via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Election integrity.#
    • House passes GOP-led SAVE Act that bans non-citizen voting in federal elections via @JustTheNews [Link]#

Last update: Thursday July 11, 2024; 5:35 PM EDT.