Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • Media, politicians, academics, and industry with too much potential grift.#
    • Four Unbelievable Narratives [Link]#
    • .#Democrats and the #media do not speak well of each other. — Codependency, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • Used to beleive Schumer believed in the country.#
    • .#Constitution and #SCOTUS be damned. — @SenSchumer Has a New Plan to Throw Donald #Trump in Jail [Link]#
  • Lies matter.#
    • Words of Warning, by @utahprez [Link]#
    • We Were "Deceived & Gaslit For Years", All In The Name Of "#Democracy"; Then "Poof", It Collapsed Overnight [Link]#
  • How long has this been going on?#
    • NOW HE TELLS US? Kevin McCarthy just disclosed Jill Biden was in meetings with him while he was Speaker. More: [Link]#
  • Hate Speech is fuzzy law used to go after your opponents.#
    • .#HateSpeech – New York Times Columnist Says What Other Leftists Are Thinking but Don‘t Dare Say [Link]#
  • Certainly not journalism.#
    • New Republic Savaged For Its ‘#Trump Is Literally Hitler‘ Cover [Link]#
  • Setting up for the steal.#
    • RT @GenFlynn: Is this what he meant by fundamentally transforming America?... ... @BarackObama is basically calling for an open system of voting… [Link]#
    • RT @elonmusk: This is a more accurate description of what happens regarding voter fraud [Link]#
    • RT @Jim_Jordan: Only American citizens should vote in American elections. ... ... That’s not controversial. ... ... Unless you’re a Democrat. [Link]#
    • RT @ajtourville: Brace yourself for 5 months of this BS [Link]#
    • RT @KenPaxtonTX: The White House has formally announced that Biden will veto the Republican bill that seeks to prevent noncitizens from vot… [Link]#
    • RT @JudicialWatch: Judicial Watch received 13-pages of records in response to a FOIA request from the District of Columbia, explaining to i… [Link]#
  • Yes. Yes, it is.#
    • RT @LeadingReport: BREAKING: Elon Musk says anyone who opposes House Speaker Mike Johnson’s proposed SAVE ACT bill, which seeks to ensure t… [Link]#
    • RT @elonmusk: This should be a requirement. If Argentina can do it, so can America! [Link]#
  • Yes. Yes, it is.#
    • RT @elonmusk: Government spending is bankrupting America [Link]#
  • Lies undermine society.#
    • RT @amuse: ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Biden‘s campaign secretly registered the domain TrumpsProject2025(.)com in an effort to deceive voters in… [Link]#
    • RT @SpeakerJohnson: Democrats have tried to mislead the American people about our efforts to prevent noncitizens from voting.... ... Why? Because… [Link]#
  • Deluding themselves.#
    • RT @ThomasSowell: It is amazing how little evidence is necessary for media liberals to believe things that fit their vision. [Link]#
  • Political Science.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: I‘d call it "Corporate Communism," honestly. Fascism is an end in itself and generally nationalistic. Communism has th… [Link]#
  • What to do about the Democrats’ usurpation of the country.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: Are the non-citizens who register to vote automatically at the top of Trump’s future deportation list?... ... Deportations n… [Link]#
    • RT @jsolomonReports: Department of Interior shuts down millions of acres of Alaska to all oil, gas and mining activity… [Link]#
  • Newsreaders.#
    • RT @brithume: The quote below is from George F. Will in today‘s Washington Post. It was perhaps nice of him not to mention also Morning Joe… [Link]#
  • Ego.#
    • RT @bennyjohnson: Did you know that Jill Biden has ordered the Marine Corps Band write her an entrance theme music to be played anytime she… [Link]#
  • COVID19#
    • RT @TedOkonCOA: BREAKING: @FTC releases "interim" report on #PBMs.... ... "Thousands of cancer patients depend on these medicines to survive; the… [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday August 6, 2024; 4:42 PM EDT.