Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • Maladministration has consequences.#
    • State legislatures know. They do it anyway to increase their control. Until backlash sweeps them away. — TaxProf Blog: WSJ: The Blue-State Wealth Exodus Continues [Link]#
  • Climate spam.#
    • No surprise. — Climate Fact Check: June 2024 Edition via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Too easy to misuse.#
    • Such laws are vague, arbitrary, and subject to ex post facto interpretation. — Coeur dAlene Idaho now has one of the nation‘s toughest #hate crime laws Watch this citizen deliver straight fire to the woke city council... via @Not_the_Bee [Link]#
  • Cheating#
    • RT @Rasmussen_Poll: Wisconsin: Missing and disabled surveillance video of unsupervised uncontrolled mail-ballot ‘drop boxes‘ - required by… [Link]#
    • RT @MZHemingway: I literally wrote a book on election integrity and still I didn‘t realize how important it is to secure citizen-only votin… [Link]#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: Every illegal alien that votes cancels the vote of a citizen who voted for the other candidate.... ... That simple.... ... Allowin… [Link]#
  • Free and fair elections matter less than control.#
    • RT @TomFitton: BREAKING: Democrats desperate to stop bill to require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote.… [Link]#
    • RT @BreitbartNews: Looks like cheat-by-mail‘s back on the menu, boys! [Link]#
    • RT @bgmasters: What are House Democrats “breaking out the big guns” for?... ... To lower inflation?... To secure our border?... To do anything to impro��� [Link]#
    • RT @BasedMikeLee: We must pass the SAVE Act! [Link]#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: They‘re going all-in on "democracy" at exactly the same moment the public is realizing they‘re misusing that word to d… [Link]#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: Biden Hoaxacracy Update... ... President Biden‘s campaign is focusing its energy on spreading these 11 hoaxes (and counting):… [Link]#
  • Journalism.#
    • RT @thejcoop: We got 18,000 stories about what flag was flying outside the Alito’s vacation home.... ... Y’all refusing to cover this for 3.5 yea… [Link]#
    • RT @SethDillon: The press hopes to dupe you into thinking they were duped. [Link]#
    • RT @johnddavidson: This narrative is such horseshit. No one was deceived about Biden’s decline. It was obvious. Reporters just had to tell… [Link]#
  • Climate noise.#
    • RT @ChrisMartzWX: Since 1851, there have been 243 hurricanes that have traversed through the Caribbean Sea. Which of those were caused by c… [Link]#
  • Yet another lie.#
    • RT @RealSaavedra: Biden claims that Trump was shouting at him during the debate and that distracted him.... ... That is a complete lie.... ... CNN had… [Link]#
  • Who controls the narrative?#
    • RT @patcondell: London today. ... These protests are happening because people in the West are getting their opinions on the conflict from Hama… [Link]#

Last update: Saturday August 17, 2024; 10:03 PM EDT.