Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Friday July 5, 2024; 1:00 PM EDT
  • The Democratic machine claims to protect democracy while it undermines it.#
    • RT @RepTiffany: Just after Wisconsinites voted overwhelmingly to bolster election integrity in the state, the liberal Wisconsin Supreme Cou… [Link]#
  • Lies.#
    • RT @ByronYork: Of course you see this kind of stuff on the internet, but should note this is from an official Biden-Harris campaign account. [Link]#
    • RT @themarketswork: It wasn’t complicated. The media lied for Biden until they couldn’t.... ... Lying about lying. However much you hate the medi… [Link]#
  • Loss of trust.#
    • RT @CollinRugg: JUST IN: The unemployment rate has ticked up to 4.1%, going over 4% for the first time since November 2021.... ... - 74% of jobs… [Link]#
  • An attempted coup to protect themselves.#
    • RT @amuse: VINDMAN: Many people forget is that Col. Alexander Vindman was listening in on Trump‘s call with Zelensky when the president ask… [Link]#
  • Election interference.#
    • RT @RickEsenberg: From Justice Rebecca Bradley‘s dissent in Priorities USA:... "An unattended cardboard box on the clerk‘s driveway? An unsecu… [Link]#
  • Democrats have some poor options.#
    • RT @BuzzPatterson: I’m hearing rumors from several sources that the Democrats are planning to dump Joe Biden after the upcoming debate and… [Link]#
  • Great Britain’s political revolt.#
    • RT @ezralevant: I put two questions to @Nigel_Farage tonight — one about the Labour Party and one about the Media Party. Here’s what he tol… [Link]#
  • A collection of things that make America great — big and small.#
    • RT @America_2100: America isn‘t an abstract "idea." It‘s a nation—a place, a people, and a shared way of life.... ... It’s our home. And we love… [Link]#

Last update: Friday August 23, 2024; 3:49 PM EDT.