Thursday July 4, 2024; 2:58 PM EDT
- Nearing the edge.#
- RT @MZHemingway: This type of conspiracy theorizing and delusion is sad to see among prominent Democrats. BlueAnon getting worse — with ful… [Link]#
- The difference bwtween the parties.#
- RT @CynicalPublius: Seems like every prominent X account is featuring a 4th of July message this morning, and I have noticed something.... ... Co… [Link]#
- Postmodernism is ugly.#
- RT @jsolomonReports: North Carolina teen punished for saying ‘illegal aliens‘ awaits preliminary injunction ruling [Link]#
- The Constitution is supposed to hold us together.#
- RT @bariweiss: "The Biden debacle is just the most recent example of what I’ve come to think of as ‘the gap.‘ By this I mean the gap betwee… [Link]#
- Why Chevron matters.#
- RT @NCLAlegal: America without Chevron:... ... 1) A third-generation farmer in South Dakota can make his case in court to allow him to farm on hi… [Link]#
- RT @WEschenbach: A couple decades ago, the Feds destroyed the logging industry in California to try to save the spotted owl.... ... Not only did… [Link]#
- RT @VivekGRamaswamy: Here‘s how to dismantle the administrative state once and for all, both top-down & bottom-up:... ... The next White House se… [Link]#
- Journalism.#
- RT @amuse: FAKE NEWS: Remember that 60 Minutes ran a puff piece on Biden‘s cognitive decline before the 2020 election blaming his confusion… [Link]#
- RT @The_Kyle_Mann: How are we at @TheBabylonBee supposed to compete with @AP? [Link]#
- RT @MZHemingway: The Biden White House lies and the propaganda press lies. I didn‘t trust them last week. I don‘t trust them this week. I w… [Link]#
- RT @MZHemingway: Remember: The White House Propaganda Corps is allowed to howl like hyenas nonstop for Trump‘s four years, inventing storie… [Link]#
- RT @JonathanTurley: It appears that reporters are really, really sorry about not revealing the President‘s decline but explained that it wa… [Link]#
- Democrats have gone beyond principle.#
- RT @MZHemingway: Dementia Joe Is Easy To Defeat. Beating Democrats’ Election Machine Is Another Story [Link]#
- RT @VDHanson: Animal Farm Democrats... ... Leftists make up things as they go along, as yesterday’s heresies (e.g., Biden seems demented) become… [Link]#
- RT @amuse: Biden is dumping the ENTIRE national strategic supply of gasoline (42M gallons) to 5 companies at HUGE discounts in an effort to… [Link]#
- RT @paulsperry_: DEVELOPING: The Biden administration has failed to update the National Terrorism Advisory System--"There are no current ad… [Link]#
- Lies addressed.#
- RT @RepDonaldsPress: KJP: "He has the most historic, record admin, the most in modern politics and that should matter."... ... HISTORIC inflation… [Link]#
- RT @afbranco: 👉AF Branco‘s Cartoons, Etc👈 ... AF Branco & Joe Dan Gorman ... Wednesdays 9 PM ET on Rumble https://… [Link]#
- Why the election matters.#
- RT @ScottAdamsSays: Reducing the role of the federal government is the opposite of fascism. It transfers power to the states. ... ... No Republic… [Link]#