Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Sunday June 30, 2024; 6:24 PM EDT
  • UnAmerican on purpose. Pushing you to react violently so they can use you as an excuse to respond.#
    • The @BarackObama supported @JoeBiden regime encouraging the breakdown of the rule of law. — Dozens of migrants who violently stormed El Paso border crossing were released into the US: ICE [Link]#
  • If @JoeBiden isn’t The Man, someone else is.#
    • .@JoeBiden wasn’t exposed, the @BarackObama oligarchy was. — @WhiteHouse Report Card: No more hiding #Joementia via @dcexaminer [Link]#
    • Deadly accurate analysis of the Obama contrived @JoeBiden scheme that has backfired. — What Now that the #Gaslighting is Over? - American Thinker [Link]#
  • The country’s founders knew.#
    • .#Globalist top-down rule is about control, not governance. — The Hapless Von der Leyen Shows the Wisdom of #Brexit [Link]#
    • The reason to follow the @WEF is to beware of their guidance and influence. — Now They‘re Coming for Your Food - [Link]#
    • The reason to follow the @WEF is to beware of their guidance and influence. — Now They‘re Coming for Your Food - [Link]#
    • Restraining the administrative state. — REGULATORY EARTHQUAKES SHOULD HAPPEN MORE OFTEN: Understanding What the Loper Bright and Jarkesy Regulatory Earthquake Means for #Gun Owners. [Link]#
    • The election is not about #Trump, but about our country. An Open Letter to Persuadable #Democrats , by @utahprez [Link]#
  • One can hope.#
    • Mom advised regularly that we Vote the Bums Out. — A Plausibility Cascade Beginning?, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • Longtime Journalism fail.#
    • Funny, those wearing no clothes are those reporting on the emperor. — The #CorporateMedia is the central party to the #Biden cover up, by @JordanSchachtel [Link]#
  • Climate and Energuy fail.#
    • Thousands of Joshua Trees set to fall victim to #Green-#Energy transition via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • CDC doesn’t care to understand.#
    • No discussion of side effects or preferences for using other medicines to fight the virus. — CDC Recommends New COVID-19 Vaccines For Nearly All Americans [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday July 30, 2024; 5:36 PM EDT.