Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Saturday June 29, 2024; 5:25 PM EDT
  • Selfish interest and lying go hand-in-hand.#
    • RT @RevolverNewsUSA: Remarkable monologue from David Sacks:... ... "The Democratic party is a collection of interests who want to remain in power… [Link]#
  • Turn on a light and see where the critters skitter.#
    • RT @MikeBenzCyber: it’s amazing to watch the entire media suddenly morph into far-right extremist conspiracy theorists… [Link]#
    • RT @greggutfeld: remember: the media democrat complex is reacting in horror over joe‘s condition not because they saw it - it‘s because you… [Link]#
  • We already have.#
    • RT @McAdooGordon: This 👇🏻 is dangerous. We cannot set a precedent of voting for a figurehead who may or may not actually be governing. ... ... Th… [Link]#
  • Pithy.#
    • RT @brithume: This is from @AndrewCMcCarthy in National Review today: [Link]#
  • They were selling unAmerican as American and the media bought it.#
    • RT @McAdooGordon: Imagine thinking that the administration state is actually preferable to the three branches of government specified in th… [Link]#
  • Oh, yes. Is the southern border still a problem?#
    • RT @StephenM: The cabal running our country just gave amnesty to 300K illegal aliens from Haiti, about 200K of which the Biden Admin flew t… [Link]#
  • Separate the “random” case assignment from the selection process Mitch McConnell supported. Both are squirelly.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: I’ve been asked about this for months and several times yesterday.... ... Absolutely a full blown investigation into the DC jud… [Link]#
  • The Deep State is for real.#
    • RT @cvpayne: I agree government inflation data is significantly understated. [Link]#
  • Some great men have gone to jail because character brings courage to see it through.#
    • RT @charliekirk11: Steve Bannon, on his last Friday show before he‘s sent to federal prison by a weaponized DOJ, has the pitch-perfect mess… [Link]#
  • A moment of appreciation for hard work.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: Comment from Nicholas Smith, the attorney who argued Fischer before DC appellate court:... ... "We are all grateful to the Supr… [Link]#
  • There is spin and then there is the DOJ tornado. As Trump asked of @JoeBiden, who did you fire?#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: DOJ putting out "Fact Sheets" minimizing the impact of a SCOTUS decision after being told it has been employing a lega… [Link]#
  • Election fudging is a thing.#
    • RT @MikeBenzCyber: Lose a debate, no problem, just import 300,000 more Biden NGO-harvested ballots [Link]#
  • Yes.#
    • RT @DineshDSouza: Both Obama and the Clintons know Biden has lost his mind. But they’re sticking with him to maintain their hold on power.… [Link]#
  • Journalism 101.#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: So I regularly watch network news to see 1)what is reported; and 2) how it is reported. Tonight‘s coverage of Joe‘s ho… [Link]#
  • How Democratic.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: So he broke the economy and then uses it as an excuse to buy votes. [Link]#
  • Challenge each of his defenders. Their scheming undercut the free world.#
    • RT @LegInsurrection: IDF: “Fadi Al-Wadiya developed and advanced the terrorist organization’s rocket array and was a central figure in the… [Link]#

Last update: Saturday June 29, 2024; 5:36 PM EDT.