Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Monday June 24, 2024; 7:40 PM EDT
  • The record itemized by Victor Davis Hanson calls for resolve.#
    • In the #leftist mind, the destruction was worth it, so never give in to a leftist, to #Obama, or to a Democrat. — The Logic in All the Madness [Link]#
  • He rose beyond his skill and character level.#
    • .@SpeakerRyan snared, but will pay no price for working against America. — KASH PATEL EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It #gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit [Link]#
  • Journalism reviewed.#
    • Deadly accurate. — Should I link NYT?, by @donsurber [Link]#
    • Posts on X that flesh out news and worthwhile opinion mostly missed by corporate #media. [Link]#
  • Symptom of a diseased patient.#
    • Someone tell #Democrats and the #MSM that #Lawfare is when the immune system takes over the patient and it ceases to be governance. — ICYMI: HE’S NOT WRONG: Related: [Link]#
  • No reason to give in to Newsom’s political ambition.#
    • .@GavinNewsom ’s #DeepState refudging their fudge...ah...mistake. — California Reveals All Job Gains In 2023 Were Fake [Link]#
  • Energy policy.#
    • Dispatchable #energy the world needs and can afford. — Restoring Sanity, Reliability, and Affordability to the Texas Electric Grid via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#

Last update: Monday June 24, 2024; 7:56 PM EDT.