Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Wednesday June 19, 2024; 7:54 PM EDT
  • Time to do to the CDC what was done to the Hal 9000 computer.#
    • LOL, THE @CDCgov : The #CDC Admits its Latest Anti-Gun Report is Misleading and Full of Holes. [Link]#
  • Meglomania doesn’t end well.#
    • Fair question: Why have western governments mobilized against their populations? — ALL THE OLD MOVIES WARNED US: Edward Snowden Says OpenAI Just Performed a “Calculated Betrayal of [Link]#
  • Reboot.#
    • Verifying what matters and why comes from examining personal experience. That’s where one finds both #principles and #courage. — With a Whimper, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • Another reason to reboot.#
    • Reality eventually reminds #postmodernism what is real. — That’s A Shame month, by @donsurber [Link]#
    • Your choice: Persistently defective top-down rule or rambunctious bottom-up governance the founders respected. — Niall Ferguson Is Right. (So Is Mike Solana), by @pointsnfigures1 [Link]#
  • Too much activism is a mental disease based on ignorance.#
    • .@ST0NEHENGE — These small people went to school but never learned anything. What a damning indictment not just of them, but of their teachers, administrators, and those who set curricula. [Link]#
  • For more than a century, the New York Times has been a publication, not a newspaper.#
    • WHY IS THE #NYTimes SO ANTI-SCIENCE? NYT Tries to Take Down Georgetown Prof Who Revealed Extent of Defensive #Gun Uses. [Link]#
  • How many years have elections been ... um ... taken advantage of?#
    • How to steal an #election. What will be done to make elections safe, secure, and honest? — Fractal Poll - #Trump Loses BIG In Residences Without Bedrooms [Link]#
  • About time for the elites to lose their status.#
    • .@JoeBiden #Democrats outrageous overspending did this on purpose to push greater control. — The Music Just Stopped: Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion In Treasuries & European Bonds To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses [Link]#

Last update: Wednesday June 19, 2024; 8:39 PM EDT.