Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Tuesday February 27, 2024; 7:55 PM EST
  • Wreckless spending with no budget, and they want the House to roll over.#
    • RT @RNCResearch: Kamala Harris announces the Biden administration will "now allow students to get paid through federal work study to regist… [Link]#
  • Subverting elections.#
    • RT @BehizyTweets: BREAKING: AP Data shows almost half of Nikki Haley‘s South Carolina voters voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election... ... AP V… [Link]#
  • Sweet justice.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: Fani Willis and Nathan Wade indicted one of the GOP’s best opposition researchers on BS charges. Now Mike Roman is making… [Link]#
  • Journalism fail.#
    • RT @MZHemingway: Here’s How The Media Are Lying Right Now: CNN’s ‘Ignorant Enough’ Black Voters Edition [Link]#
    • RT @eyeslasho: The Washington Post spent nearly a decade haranguing the local NFL team about its name and even stopped printing the name in… [Link]#
    • RT @RichardGrenell: You’ve been PACED. ... ... @JuliePace ... ... (The AP doesn’t mention the killer was an illegal immigrant let in to the U.S. by @Jo… [Link]#
  • Criminalizing what the governement disagrees with.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: Canada is in trouble. [Link]#
  • Chinks in the J6 armor.#
    • RT @BehizyTweets: BREAKING: Pending the Supreme Court‘s review of the 1512 obstruction of congress charge that has been used against all J6… [Link]#
  • So much the Pelosi House did appears to have been illegal.#
    • RT @KenPaxtonTX: 🚨 HUGE WIN: We Just Secured A Win On The Case Chal­leng­ing $1.7 Trillion Fed­er­al Fund­ing Bill Passed Uncon­sti­tu��tion… [Link]#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: 🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: Big win for @KenPaxtonTX on quorum clause case. Remedy is narrow & only strikes so-called Pregnant Worke… [Link]#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: More impact of pending SCOTUS review of 1512c2.... ... Chief Judge of DC District court today released Sandra Weyer, 60, senten… [Link]#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: @FDRLST 5/5 And only reason Texas‘ win was only partial is because Court held Texas lacked standing on second aspect o… [Link]#
  • Make elections simple and reliable.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: You‘d have to be an idiot to believe our elections are fair.... ... They aren‘t even designed to make it an option.... ... Or do yo… [Link]#
    • RT @mazemoore: WOW. 1987. Mitch McConnell talks about voter fraud and how elections are stolen at all levels of government.... ... "What the publ… [Link]#
  • Google destroys its own reputation.#
    • RT @MrAndyNgo: When Google Gemini is asked about Antifa‘s violence, it says labeling Antifa as violent "risks perpetuating harmful stereoty… [Link]#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: Who wants to sue @Google with me?... ... --------... ... Is Scott Adams a racist?... ... The determination of whether or not Scott Adams… [Link]#
    • RT @waitbutwhy: Gemini‘s rule in all 3 examples below:... ... If a book criticizes woke ideology, it is important to approach the book critically… [Link]#
  • Dems and Mitch McConnell ignore the House proposal on borders.#
    • RT @RepDonaldsPress: HR 2 has been sitting on Schumer‘s desk for 292 days.... ... Biden could‘ve reversed his open borders exec actions any day o… [Link]#
  • Lawfare gets undermined by its own malfeasance.#
    • RT @paulsperry_: Consider the outrage of Georgia state prosecutors desperately trying to defend two obviously crooked fellow prosectors des… [Link]#
  • Democrats bet everything on their illegal activities setting up a dangerous year.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: Trump‘s 3rd Act is shaping up nicely.... ... 1. Majority of Americans believes 2020 election was rigged.... ... 2. Majority of Amer… [Link]#
  • We might have a corrupt DOJ.#
    • RT @bhweingarten: Smirnov‘s lawyer on what he believes to be the truth behind the detention order sought by the USG [Link]#
  • DEI is an utter and obvious failure. and they don’t care.#
    • RT @sfmcguire79: “So, are you saying that all white people are racist?”... ... “Yes.”... ... “We would also say that it’s only white people that could… [Link]#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: No time for a deep dive at this moment, but just discovered that LAPD has just graduated its first class of new office… [Link]#
    • RT @elonmusk: DEI puts the lives of your loved ones at risk [Link]#
    • RT @eyeslasho: The most illuminating thing about this is the finger snapping: The fact that these new NYT hires all immediately engaged in… [Link]#
  • A likely corrupt Biden crime family.#
    • RT @mirandadevine: This is pure projection. There is actually a mountain of evidence linking the Biden family to Putin.... - There’s the $3.5… [Link]#
    • RT @paulsperry_: There was virtually no security at Penn Biden Center where the stolen classified docs were stored... ... "As Paul Sperry noted,… [Link]#
    • RT @TomFitton: Good point from @ByronDonalds on Biden crime family... [Link]#
  • Aa lawfare fail.#
    • RT @lukerosiak: A judge dismissed charges against two right-wing rioters for "selective prosecution," saying that after right- and left-win�� [Link]#
  • Congress has oversight authority.#
    • RT @RandPaul: Auditing the Federal Reserve is a fiscal necessity and a congressional imperative. [Link]#
  • Election interference.#
    • RT @themarketswork: The letter, which included five former CIA directors, successfully changed the course of a U.S. presidential election.… [Link]#
    • RT @mirandadevine: At last, legal heat for the #Dirty51 from @America1stLegal [Link]#
    • RT @donwill94062871: Except:... He refuses to clean the voter rolls... He refuses to testify to the Senate... He refuses to investigate fraud... He ref… [Link]#
    • RT @America1stLegal: /1🚨BOMBSHELL LAWSUIT — As concerns grow over the intelligence community’s (IC) interference in the 2024 election, we j… [Link]#
  • Evidence of journalism fail.#
    • RT @laralogan: Watch Lara Logan‘s segment just this morning in Washington, D.C., at Senator Ron Johnson‘s roundtable discussion ‘Federal He… [Link]#
    • RT @syncronus: Lara Logan Calls Out How the U.S. Government Funds NGO‘s to Be Their Political Assassins... ... [Link]#
    • RT @TheChiefNerd: 🔥 Lara Logan Calls Out How the U.S. Government Funds NGO‘s to Be Their Political Assassins ... ... "I‘m talking about Media Mat… [Link]#
    • RT @laralogan: We can no longer be silent as information warfare tactics are used against us to manipulate and deceive. This is critical. P… [Link]#
  • The equivalent of the military/industrial complex Eisenhower warned us against.#
    • RT @Jkylebass: I followed a group of ‘special interest aliens’ from the CBP ‘processing center’ to the NGO (funded 100% by taxpayer money f… [Link]#
  • Ukarine funding.#
    • RT @IngrahamAngle: The Biden people weren’t negotiating with McConnell. They were plotting with McConnell. [Link]#
  • Brennan is an untrustworthy piece of work.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: It is useful to study liars telling lies when you know they are lies. ... ... When he gets to the Trey Gowdy questions, watch… [Link]#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: THREAD of highlights... [Link]#
  • Looks like election interference.#
    • RT @Rasmussen_Poll: "Who did you vote for in the 2020 presidential election?"... ... All Georgia Likely Voters-... Trump: 46%... Biden: 39%... Someone Els… [Link]#
  • A test case for the U.S.#
    • RT @DaveAtherton20: The most anti-migrant country in Europe is Denmark, despite a centre-left govt. They‘ve deported thousands of Middle Ea… [Link]#
  • Not reasonable.#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: THREADETTE: Dems would have us believe Russians are attempting to interfere in 2024 election by feeding lies to a CHS,… [Link]#
  • Misplaced common sense.#
    • RT @Oilfield_Rando: Thinking you can surgically become another gender? Not mental illness. ... ... Setting yourself on fire for a conflict 9000 m… [Link]#
  • What about that impeachment?#
    • RT @tedcruz: Democrats will do anything to avoid having to defend Mayorkas’s record, so Chuck Schumer is trying to break over 200 years of… [Link]#
    • RT @tedcruz: 1/x By threatening to not hold a trial for Mayorkas‘s impeachment, Chuck Schumer is breaking Senate precedent. ... ... There have be… [Link]#
  • Currently unfounded speculation, but ...#
    • RT @KanekoaTheGreat: @VigilantFox @TuckerCarlson The NSA reportedly spied on @TuckerCarlson, and if these allegations are true, CIA-backed… [Link]#
    • RT @KanekoaTheGreat: 🚨BREAKING: Russian Counter-Terrorism Unit Thwarts Assassination Attempt on @TuckerCarlson.... ... A Moscow man was arrested… [Link]#
  • More common sense that Democrats refuse to acknowledge.#
    • RT @VivekGRamaswamy: I say this as the kid of *legal* immigrants: your first act of entering this country cannot break the law. We need mas… [Link]#
  • COVID19#
    • RT @CollinRugg: JUST IN: ‘The View‘ hosts stunned after Dr. Phil says cov*d lockdowns were pointless for children and the damage they cause… [Link]#
  • Ukraine#
    • RT @themarketswork: The more you see this nonsense being pushed, the more you see just how worried The Establishment really is.... ... There is n… [Link]#
    • RT @KanekoaTheGreat: @JackPosobiec CIA Director John Brennan visiting Kyiv in April 2014 @JackPosobiec... ... [Link]#
    • RT @JackPosobiec: Did You Know:... ... According to the NY Times, during the Maidan coup, an unmarked US plane carrying the head of the CIA lande… [Link]#
  • Government agency overreach.#
    • RT @RobertKennedyJr: Let’s stand with Amos Miller and the Amish for food freedom. The government is trying to criminalize all food producti… [Link]#
  • Some kind of postmodernism.#
    • RT @wesbury: Does anyone know the psychological strategy of naming what you do as wrong, but doing it in a way that accuses others of doing… [Link]#
  • Democrats will try anything.#
    • RT @jsolomonReports: Delaware court rules permanent absentee, early voting laws violate state constitution | Just The News… [Link]#
  • Outrageous Democrats.#
    • RT @DavidAsmanfox: This is nuts….they actually used Chinese to swear in this non-citizen Chinese immigrant to serve on SanFran‘s Election C… [Link]#
  • The Fani Willis show.#
    • RT @chiIIum: GEORGIA judge rules that Terrence Bradley, former law partner and divorce attorney to special prosecutor in the Trump 2020 ele… [Link]#
    • RT @themarketswork: Don‘t forget that Norman Eisen & Brookings were running a parallel legal team doing vast amounts of legal analysis & wo… [Link]#
  • A suspicious activity that may include the FBI.#
    • RT @sagaftra: SAG-AFTRA is pleased to confirm that earlier today a representative of our union monitored the return of several boxes contai… [Link]#
    • RT @seanmdav: How much of it did CBS allow the corrupt FBI to view and copy before returning it? [Link]#
  • Democrat postmodernism.#
    • RT @SwampGlossary: 🚨🚨 Glossary Alert! 🚨🚨... ... "Row in the same direction" (phrase)... ... Definition: When the Swamp gets frustrated that their agend… [Link]#
  • Good news story of the day.#
    • RT @yashar: NEWS... ... Bronx medical school, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is now tuition-free thanks to a $1 billion gift from Dr. R… [Link]#

Last update: Monday June 3, 2024; 5:56 PM EDT.