Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Tuesday February 27, 2024; 7:54 PM EST
  • The media mostly deserves the hits.#
    • Promoting accuracy in describing #media. — Birdbrains in the #press, by @donsurber [Link]#
    • Blind trust in major #journalism is an easy way to be poorly informed. — After All the Media Hype, Wildfires Across Southern Europe Were Completely Normal in 2023 via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
    • Heavy-handed network gatekeepers keep voters ignorant. — NewsBusters Podcast: Kristen Welker‘s Decent #Abortion Question to #Newsom EDITED OUT [Link]#
  • AI has taught us more about Google than about our world.#
    • Squandered trust. — @Google‘s #AI Debacle [Link]#
  • If you do not know what is, you are imprisoned by what is not.#
    • Fight the plague of #postmodernism. — CLARITY OF LANGUAGE IS THE FOUNDATION OF CLARITY OF THOUGHT: Stop saying ‘we’ when you mean ‘they’. Stop eating sin that isn’t yours. [Link]#
  • They believed they were right.#
    • In your ignorance, be careful what you wish for. — #KlamathDam Removal: ‘It‘s an Environmental Disaster‘ [Link]#
    • What authorizations are required for such @BillGates #GeorgeSoros sponsored #claptrap? — #Scientists to begin spewing chalk and chemicals into the atmosphere to block sunlight? - American Thinker [Link]#

Last update: Friday June 21, 2024; 4:27 PM EDT.