Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Sunday February 25, 2024; 8:14 PM EST
  • Journalism fail.#
    • RT @RichardGrenell: Whoa! @HowardKurtz finishes his segment bashing Trump over Russia and Putin and fails to remind people that VLADIMIR PU… [Link]#
  • It was the politically compromised #DOJ.#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: So everyone is clear re @KimStrassel column about the indictment of FBI CHS Smirnov.... ... The FBI did not indict Smirnov.… [Link]#
  • Working against our country’s interest.#
    • RT @MarshaBlackburn: Secretary Blinken has overturned the “Pompeo Doctrine,” a Trump-era policy that supported Israeli settlements in the W… [Link]#
    • RT @CarolineGlick: Thank you @SenTomCotton. The Pomoeo doctrine was a key building block of the Abraham Accords. This move signals that the… [Link]#
  • So what if you leave out a few important facts?#
    • RT @MonicaCrowley: This is disgusting, @AP.... ... The killing of Laken Riley had nothing to do with “the fears of solo female athletes.”... ... Her mu… [Link]#
    • RT @RyanGirdusky: Yep…. The story of an illegal alien who broke into our country, committed a crime in one state, released back into the co… [Link]#
    • RT @peterjhasson: You would have no idea from reading this story that the alleged murderers in BOTH cases — the killing of Laken Riley and… [Link]#
    • RT @SenFrankNiceley: Exactly what was extreme about the first term? Was it the low inflation, record employment and economic prosperity, or… [Link]#
  • WHo does McConnell work for?#
    • RT @themarketswork: McConnell worked with Dem leadership, the Biden White House and the IC to craft the fake border bill that morphed into… [Link]#
  • Journalism.#
    • RT @GenFlynn: Everyone needs to follow this man @Oscarelblue for his incredibly honest and exceptional journalism on the human migration pr… [Link]#
  • That democracy might prevail.#
    • RT @BehizyTweets: BREAKING: Alaska election integrity organizations have gathered more than enough signatures to get the repeal of Rank Cho… [Link]#
  • Could they be coup leaders?#
    • RT @GeorgePapa19: It’s time for Obama, Brennan, Barr and Durham to testify in front of congress . [Link]#
  • How journalism has changed to advocacy.#
    • RT @SharylAttkisson: When I was coming up, I didn‘t know what anybody‘s politics were in the newsroom. At CNN (1990-93) I didn‘t know what… [Link]#
  • Holding authorities accountable for their actions.#
    • RT @laralogan: This is how you win. Illinois judge who reversed rape conviction removed from bench after panel finds he circumvented l… [Link]#
  • History as it happened.#
    • RT @DrEliDavid: Two decades ago Israel left Gaza and gave you full autonomy.... ... With billions in foreign aid, you could have turned it into D… [Link]#
  • Pay attention.#
    • RT @caroljsroth: Hi!... Just a reminder that we are on an unsustainable, catastrophic financial trajectory and neither major party is legitima… [Link]#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: Global government is not a global solution to global problems. Global government is a global problem. [Link]#

Last update: Thursday May 30, 2024; 6:25 PM EDT.