Friday February 23, 2024; 7:40 PM EST
- Not another balloon incursion?#
- And it’s still flying? Someone tell @JoeBiden? [Link]#
- Did CBS pass the Herridge files to government agencies?#
- .@CBS, who saw the Herridge notes before you returned them? Smells like abuse of #journalism. — CBS says it has returned notes belonging to Catherine Herridge via @MailOnline [Link]#
- Honest news reporting would avoid such blatant narratives.#
- Defund @PBS for #gaslighting baldfaced political propaganda. [Link]#
- Whatever happened to journalism.#
- PAIR O’ DOCS: Drs. Phil, Drew Skewer Rampant Media Corruption. [Link]#
- Democratic Senatorial bloviating.#
- #Gaslighting [Link]#
- No else seems to have the insight and the necessary fiber.#
- No one stronger than #Trump to face both feckless and determined #Democrats. — The Enemy Gets a Vote, by @utahprez [Link]#
- Expensive cheapening education to undermine the country from within.#
- Academic Cloward/Piven — KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEFING: I’ll Vote for Anyone Who Promises to Nuke the Dept. of Education. “There [Link]#
- The DOJ and FBI are so obviously rusted from within.#
- A clown show, with evil clowns ... staring the highly politicized and compromised #DOJ and @FBI. — KIMBERLEY STRASSEL: Sifting the FBI’s Garbage. House Oversight Committee Republicans say the FBI [Link]#
- Fair question.#
- Surber asks what are they fighting for? ����� End Ukraine War, by @donsurber [Link]#
- Not usually taught in public schools.#
- Smith ends by citing the basic requirement for civil #society: Have the #humility to consider that you just might be wrong. #Democrats don’t. — Democrats Gonna Democrat, by @utahprez [Link]#
- If he believes what he says he is ignorant and if he doesn’t then he is dangerous.#
- But, @JoeBiden , #Hamas does control the people in #Gaza so you are #Gaslighting Americans. [Link]#
- Classic economics works which is why Democrats are not promoting it.#
- WHAT’S THE OPPOSITE OF #Bidenomics ? THIS: #Milei’s Economic ‘Shock Therapy’ Pays Off, With Argentina [Link]#
- .@GavinNewsom did it. — California’s Budget Deficit Is Even Worse Than Originally Projected [Link]#
- Its about power, not saving the world.#
- .#Green Movement Is Failing…Now They’re Trying to Force Citizens to Love Them via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#