Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Thursday February 22, 2024; 9:05 AM EST
  • In the same class as Aaron Burr only they got further.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: This is how you know our Republic ended.... ... I date the life of our Republic from 1776 - 2020.... ... It‘s time for some refound… [Link]#
  • No surprise.#
    • RT @MZHemingway: Joe Biden’s Brother Switched Up Story On China Deal After Lawmakers Showed Him Receipts, Source Says… [Link]#
  • When will the Senate try Mayorkas?#
    • RT @tedcruz: Chuck Schumer is trying to break over 200 years of Senate precedent by tabling the impeachment trial of Alejandro Mayorkas.... ... T… [Link]#
  • Sadly.#
    • RT @SethDillon: “We’re sorry the product we designed to reflect our woke hatred of whiteness worked precisely as intended.” [Link]#
  • Lawfare.#
    • RT @JonathanTurley: The NY Post is out with my column on the indictment of Alexander Smirnov. The charges are being used to revive claims… [Link]#
  • Outrageous but Democrat.#
    • RT @DogRightGirl: Maui citizens received $700. ... ... Illegals get $10K and free room and board with no questions asked. [Link]#
  • Good question.#
    • RT @themarketswork: If that’s true than why are sending a single dollar abroad until this is fixed? [Link]#
  • Words matter.#
    • RT @drawandstrike: Carefully note the wording here. ... ... This meme directly skewers decades of propaganda. [Link]#
  • Google does evil to forward its view of good.#
    • RT @AuronMacintyre: People are freaking out about Google‘s "great replacement history edition" AI but I promise you it‘s way worse than yo��� [Link]#
    • RT @redsteeze: Here‘s @GoogleAI stating it cannot create an image of Tiananmen Square because of complicated nuance. ... ... Thankfully we have… [Link]#
  • Everywhere.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: Cloward-Piven. [Link]#
  • NGOs are this generation’s military/industrial complex.#
    • RT @laralogan: Wow. Finally someone with the balls to go after those hiding behind their “charitable” status. Good for Paxton. [Link]#
    • RT @KenPaxtonTX: 🚨Today, I’m suing to end NGO‘s operations in Texas. ... The chaos at the southern border has created an environment where NGO… [Link]#
  • Hold the UN accountable.#
    • RT @MarinaMedvin: Have you tried asking your employees in Gaza to release the female hostages? [Link]#
  • How to take over a country.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: This isn‘t funny. First, Woke AI will become your algo. Then it‘ll be your children‘s teachers. Just wait until they s… [Link]#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: "Algorithmic equity" and "algorithmic fairness," courtesy of Google. [Link]#
    • RT @Not_the_Bee: AI helps scientists discover what everyone has known since the dawn of mankind...… [Link]#
    • RT @Not_the_Bee: My dudes: Google‘s Gemini AI is woke as heck and people have the receipts to prove it...… [Link]#
  • .@AP was lost fifty years ago.#
    • RT @njhochman: The AP stylebook‘s justification for capitalizing "Black" but not "white" is just as insane as you‘d expect… [Link]#
  • How the left works.#
    • RT @AuronMacintyre: It’s a good time for people read up on the use of proscription in Ancient Rome ... ... During the transition from republic to… [Link]#
    • RT @GrantCardone: Dear Cardone Capital team,... ... Immediately discontinue ALL underwriting on New York City real estate. The risk outweigh the… [Link]#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: Yes. ... ... Now you’ve got it.... ... Check my bio. [Link]#
  • Cloward-Piven.#
    • RT @Oilfield_Rando: One of my all time favorites. $2.2 million to tell gay/trans teens not to vape [Link]#
  • Thank you.#
    • RT @bennyjohnson: HOLY SMOKES: Charles Payne delivers most BRUTAL takedown of Democrats over political persecution of Trump:... ... "it seems lik… [Link]#
  • Where did the funds come from? Where did they go? Following what law?#
    • RT @TaraBull808: BREAKING: City Council calls for an INVESTIGATION of Mayor Adams plan to give illegals $10,000 Debit Cards.... ... The $53 milli… [Link]#
    • RT @Jim_Jordan: Democrat-run New York City is giving illegal aliens up to $10,000 each in taxpayer dollars.... ... No ID necessary.... ... No restricti… [Link]#
  • TV creates fiction.#
    • RT @JoeConchaTV: So when you‘ve worked on the producing end as I did in my former life, some things are painfully easy to spot when the pos… [Link]#
  • Penn Law hiding the ball.#
    • RT @eyeslasho: Amy Wax: Black students perform much worse than everyone else at Penn Law.... ... Penn: That‘s a lie.... ... Wax: OK, then open up your… [Link]#
  • Ruining the country.#
    • RT @themarketswork: That’s because if you flood our electoral system with 100 million mail-in-ballots you automatically have fraud. [Link]#
  • COVID19#
    • RT @DrJBhattacharya: Just wondering. Did the fact checkers ever correct Tony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, or Rachel Maddow for saying that the… [Link]#
  • Democrats have different standards for those in favor.#
    • RT @ClimateAudit: how is that FBI charges Alexander Smirnov with lying to FBI about Bidens, while Christopher Steele walks free and never c… [Link]#
    • RT @paulsperry_: So ... DOJ suddenly doesn‘t believe what the FBI‘s longtime paid informant Smirnov said about the Bidens illicit ties to c… [Link]#
    • RT @amuse: The FBI hired Alexander Smirnov, an Israeli citizen, 14 years ago to spy for the US. He was contractually allowed to break the l… [Link]#
  • Lawfare, not justice.#
    • RT @JonathanTurley: It is a curious legal system where defendants can be priced out of appeals. While Trump has ample resources and can do… [Link]#
  • No penalties for sliming public figures.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: This is probably exactly what it looks like.... ... We know our government routinely runs Russia hoaxes exactly like this one… [Link]#
    • RT @chasrmartin: How much of the terrible storytelling was primarily politics? [Link]#
  • Prof. Hanson nails the Left.#
    • RT @VDHanson: What the Left Has Bequeathed Us... ... The Left has created new rules for national politics. Here are 20 some precedents they now h… [Link]#
  • Not to be admired.#
    • RT @FischerKing64: John Stewart taught millennials how not to argue - to dismiss conservative arguments with snark, not to engage at all. H… [Link]#
  • Journalism fail.#
    • RT @RichardGrenell: The legacy media isn’t reporting that Vladimir Putin endorsed ... Joe Biden for re-election. ... ... Share it far and wide. [Link]#
  • Ignorance has a cost.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: 100% of people who don‘t understand banking, business, negotiating, or the world in general are sure Trump committed fr… [Link]#
  • That won’t stop anti-gun zealots.#
    • RT @JackPosobiec: It‘s now been confirmed the gun that started the Kansas City Superbowl shooting was stolen... ... And the shooting started bc o… [Link]#
  • When quality doesn’t count.#
    • RT @chasrmartin: Gas station sushi [Link]#
  • Democratic shills.#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: Wow. DOJ & Weiss are all of a sudden concerned about disinformation before the 2024 election, but had no problem with… [Link]#

Last update: Monday May 6, 2024; 5:30 PM EDT.