Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Sunday February 18, 2024; 5:52 PM EST
  • Hochul’s most ridiculous comment on the Trump lawfare. #
    • RT @amuse: New York’s Democrat governor assures real estate developers that they won’t be targeted for real estate valuations like Trump. S… [Link]#
    • RT @GrantCardone: Regarding Trump $355M Judgement... ... I have bought over $5,000,000,000 of real estate in my career…... ... Every loan requires by l… [Link]#
    • RT @amuse: Between Delaware’s decision to take $50B from @elonmusk and New York’s decision to take $500M from Trump we’re seeing the comple… [Link]#
    • RT @TomFitton: If New York judges won‘t police Engoron‘s and James‘ obscene abuses of Trump, the United States Supreme Court must step up.… [Link]#
    • RT @JRobFromMN: Trump was hit for low balling property values for bank loans,(values they ignored).... ... This is a fairly common practice by al… [Link]#
    • RT @CortesSteve: In light of this absurd civil verdict, posting this video again of Kevin O’Leary.... ... He explains, to CNN of all platforms:… [Link]#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: New York is too risk for business.... ... It doesn‘t matter how "unusual" Trump‘s case was. What matters is that it is obviou… [Link]#
  • Of course they are more interested in schooling than education..#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: They are weaponizing CIVICS "education" to get the CRT/DEI/SEL locked into national education policy. This is the came… [Link]#
  • The ruling class wants to rule.#
    • RT @Mark_J_Perry: Perry’s Principle: Leftists (including teachers‘ unions) don’t care about or value people (students, parents) as much as they care about and value power over people … [Link]#
    • RT @amuse: The Democrat Party’s greatest threat is freedom of thought. Any departure from the Party’s narrative must be censored. [Link]#
    • RT @claricefeldman7: Germany announces wide-ranging plans to restrict the speech, travel and economic activity of political dissidents, in… [Link]#
    • RT @tedcruz: As the world burns, the Biden admin is focused on the really important stuff—... ... BANNING the words:... ... mother & father... son & daugh… [Link]#
    • RT @Heminator: I saw a lot of hype about this podcast, but I finally listened and it is definitely justified.... ... It’s very rare that a single… [Link]#
    • RT @MikeBenzCyber: If you‘re here from the Tucker interview, I highly recommend watching this video profile I did w/ @JanJekielek at @Epoch… [Link]#
  • Ignorance cannot see itself.#
    • RT @Hoglitosis: @RyanGirdusky @Harlan She‘s a poster girl for Dunning Kruger... [Link]#
  • Self-defeating.#
    • RT @GrayConnolly: [Link]#
  • Someone tell Joe Biden.#
    • RT @MrAndyNgo: Breaking: African migrants & immigrants from Eritrea in Charlotte, N.C. are rioting & attacking police. The riot coincides w… [Link]#
    • RT @GenFlynn: Have you ever wondered why our border is wide open? ... ... Have you ever wondered why our police are defunded?... ... Have you ever wond… [Link]#
  • Time to clean house.#
    • RT @RandPaul: It’s time to end the unconstitutional spying on Americans and restore our 4th Amendment rights. No more sacrificing our freed… [Link]#
    • RT @themarketswork: I‘d listened to this two-part interview with @MikeBenzCyber when it aired.... ... But when I revisited after listening to Tuc… [Link]#
    • RT @themarketswork: Here is Part 2: [Link]#
  • A political truth.#
    • RT @ItsHambone: RFK Jr: "I’ll leave you with three thoughts..." ... ... 1. Any power that Government takes from the people, it will never retur… [Link]#
  • Academic outrage.#
    • RT @RitaPanahi: He and his 8 research assistants took a year to complete the research, he had 8 more reexamine the data to be certain…and t… [Link]#
  • It could happen here.#
    • RT @DanielDiMartino: BREAKING NEWS: Argentina achieved a balanced budget in January for the first time in over a decade.... ... President @JMilei… [Link]#
  • Governmental excess.#
    • RT @WallStreetSilv: "In 1945 there were 10 million people employed on farms"... ... "The department of agriculture had 80,000 employees"... ... "In 199… [Link]#
  • Southern border is intentional.#
    • RT @jsolomonReports: Immigration system isn’t broken, former immigration judge says; the laws are being ignored [Link]#
    • RT @AlexPer51573831: Scenes of utter devastation and chaos in The Hague, the Netherlands tonight as African migrants destroy their host nat… [Link]#
  • And where is the MSM?#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: Democrats concoct a different Trump hoax to keep each of their controlled demographic groups in line.... ... Sex hoax for the… [Link]#
  • Part of a well-rounded education.#
    • RT @Rainmaker1973: How Panama canal works... ... [🎞️ Joe LeMonnier]... [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday May 14, 2024; 5:04 PM EDT.