Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Sunday February 18, 2024; 5:51 PM EST
  • Biden lies. Seldom does the media call it out.#
    • THE TRUTH SOMETIMES WINS OUT: Even The Washington Post Concedes the Biden Administration’s Favorite #GunControl Lie Is, In Fact, a Lie. [Link]#
  • Official New York lawfare.#
    • New York proves itself guilty of abuse of justice and will suffer more than #Trump.— Obscene award against Trump is testing the New York legal system‘s integrity [Link]#
    • Someone tell @GovKathyHochul that, despite what she claims, #NY is “no longer a trustworthy legal environment.” — ROGER KIMBALL: Donald Trump is facing a wall of legal trouble. It’s possible that with all these [Link]#
  • Hochul having a bad day.#
    • .@GovKathyHochul discovers she’s only a #minion. — Gov. Hochul was right about Israel — until the left forced her to apologize via @nypost [Link]#
  • Governmental overreach.#
    • Believe it! Some people want you ignorant and stupid. — FIRE’s ‘Top Ten Worst Censors’, Rikki on Mike Rowe’s podcast, and more! [Link]#
  • Eroding academic integrity.#
    • The word #ideology should be your first clue. — WELL, YES: PROF GIORDANO: #Leftist ideology erodes real scholarship. [Link]#
  • Pay attention.#
    • You have been warned. Intentional #ignorance has a price. — The Peasants Are Revolting, by @utahprez [Link]#
    • Pay attention. The government finds ways to protect itself. — Has Our Government Erased the #FirstAmendment? - American Thinker [Link]#
  • Our “betters” are worse.#
    • Remember the new word #Overclass — MICHAEL BARONE: America’s Dysfunctional Overclass. “What does America’s overclass think of the rest of us ... [Link]#
    • Maybe we are more informed than you are. �� We, the Arbiters of #Truth, are Working Really Really Hard to Understand Those Stupid Lying #Climate Denier Liars via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
    • Another point of view. – DAVID BLACKMON: The Billionaire Class Is Fueling The War Against Abundant American #Energy via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#

Last update: Saturday May 18, 2024; 5:27 PM EDT.