Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Thursday February 8, 2024; 3:57 PM EST
  • Democrats aretreated differently by the DOJ.#
    • RT @JonathanTurley: .....Biden is found to have "willfully retained" documents but he is still viewed as too "sympathetic" person for a pot… [Link]#
    • RT @DogRightGirl: This is actually a real reason the DOJ gave as an excuse to not bring charges on Biden:... ... “We have also considered that, a… [Link]#
  • Rand Paul has a point.#
    • RT @gatewaypundit: Rand Paul Blasts Mitch McConnell: “This Has Been a Ruse – He’s Working with Biden and Schumer to Funnel Your Money to Uk… [Link]#
  • Scary, not because of @JoeBiden, but because Barack Obama supported him anyway.#
    • RT @paulsperry_: BREAKING: President Biden‘s memory loss is so severe that he could not remember when he stopped being vice president or wh… [Link]#
  • Talk about insurrections.#
    • RT @themarketswork: The loudest voices claiming Jan 6th was an insurrection actively worked to overthrow Trump’s presidency with a fake Rus… [Link]#
  • Scotus considers the Colorado Trump case.#
    • RT @JonathanTurley: In an hour, the Court will hear arguments in Trump v. Anderson. Here is a breakdown of the issues and what to expect. I… [Link]#
    • RT @JonathanTurley: ...Chief Justice Roberts asked a deadly question of why the 14th Amendment (which is designed to limit the power of sta… [Link]#
    • RT @JonathanTurley: ...Justice Alito just asked Murray if military officers could have refused to take orders from a president who engaged… [Link]#
  • Extortion — What Democrats think is good government.#
    • RT @RepDanBishop: [Link]#
    • RT @TomCottonAR: This is blackmail. ... ... And an admission that Biden controls the level of illegal immigration. ... ... The entire border crisis is… [Link]#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: So, Biden Administration is saying the White House already has the ability to address crisis by increasing deportation… [Link]#
  • Justice grinds slowly.#
    • RT @StephenM: BREAKING: Blockbuster lawsuit from @America1stLegal filed against Maricopa County and Arizona election officials for grave an… [Link]#
  • Democratic logic.#
    • RT @loganclarkhall: tonight, democrats have issued a final ultimatum to the american people: agree to let them destroy america or they will… [Link]#

Last update: Wednesday June 12, 2024; 5:35 PM EDT.