Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Wednesday February 7, 2024; 8:09 PM EST
  • No consistancy.#
    • RT @barnes_law: Federal courts: @SenWarren has immunity from suit for libeling the #CovingtonBoys as part of her "duties" as a Senator. ... ... F… [Link]#
  • Free license to manufacture news.#
    • RT @Not_the_Bee: Welp, looks like journalism is illegal in Europe. Come read the details on this one....… [Link]#
  • Why there needs to be presidential immunity.#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: One of the most animating features of the Eisenhower v. Nixon decision -- granting former POTUS immunity from civil li… [Link]#
  • The odds are affected by judges who excuse themselves.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: My investigative report on Judge Florence Pan, one of 3 appellate judges who decided the immunity opinion.... ... Pan oddly has… [Link]#
  • No place for Gaza as a “state”.#
    • RT @Jewtastic: DID YOU MISS IT? 🇮🇱🇺🇸🇵🇸🕊️... ELLIOTT ABRAMS‘s powerhouse article on the Two-State Delusion. Incredible read @tabletmag | https… [Link]#
  • No consideration of previous precedents.#
    • RT @charliekirk11: Why was it good when Keir Simmons interviewed Putin for NBC in 2021 but bad when Tucker does it in 2024?... ... It‘s almost li… [Link]#
    • RT @VivekGRamaswamy: The European Union is considering sanctions against Tucker for interviewing Putin. But think about it - there’s no way… [Link]#
  • Democratic State Department censorship called to task.#
    • RT @ProfMJCleveland: BREAKING: On behalf of our clients, @realDailyWire & @FDRLST, and with co-plaintiff, @KenPaxtonTX, @NCLAlegal just fil… [Link]#
  • Subverting our southern border.#
    • RT @MarshaBlackburn: Since day one in office, the Biden administration has:... ... — Ended Title 42... — Ended Remain in Mexico... — Sold border wall… [Link]#
  • Journalism fail.#
    • RT @JeffClarkUS: The American media is dead. ... ... Last night on Erin Burnett, Ryan Goodman was interviewed about which federal prison camp Pre… [Link]#
    • RT @RichardGrenell: You aren’t fair. ... You aren’t a real journalist. ... ... You are an activist who regularly pushes fake news to help Democrats… [Link]#
    • RT @seanmdav: The New York Times published op-eds from Vladimir Putin and then turned around and fired its editor for publishing an op-ed b… [Link]#
  • Appeals court mess.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: Today I will randomly post some of the dumbest passages from appellate ruling.... ... First—“many attempts were allegedly crimi… [Link]#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: You read it here first:... ... At least 4 SCOTUS justices will not allow the final word on the “public policy” consideration… [Link]#
  • Democrats don’t care if the charges stick so long as they sway votes.#
    • RT @mrddmia: In September 2014, former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell--a likely Republican presidential or vice presidential contender in… [Link]#
  • Exasperation.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: I remember when being American didn’t feel like I was being mugged every day by my own government. ... ... Looks like organiz… [Link]#
  • Slowing down the lawfare.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: HOLD THE CHAMPAGNE JACK SMITH:... ... Judge Cannon, as expected, just threw cold water on DOJ‘s win in DC appellate court today… [Link]#
  • Not interested if the best for the job.#
    • RT @WallStreetApes: 💥 FINALLY Senator J. D. Vance Taking On Corrupt Head Of The SEC Gary Gensler ... ... Vance Says The United States Securities… [Link]#
  • No justice here.#
    • RT @MikeBenzCyber: If you’re a political target, the US criminal justice system switches from “beyond any reasonable doubt” to “could have”… [Link]#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: Here is the engineering that the Appeals Court panel has tried to set in motion with its 6 day period for Trump to app… [Link]#
  • When Democrats open the gates.#
    • RT @TomFitton: Indict Obama? [Link]#
    • RT @TomFitton: "This is a smoking gun! This document confirms that Obama was personally involved in trying to restrict info and the truth b… [Link]#
  • Someone needs to rein in the Democratic Biden administration.#
    • RT @ChuckCallesto: BREAKING REPORT: ⚠️ Migrants to receive 40% MORE than US Citizens via SNAP benefits. -Fox News ... ... READ THAT TWICE.. htt… [Link]#
    • RT @StephenM: Nothing to see here, just the White House saying its highest immigration priority in the middle of the border invasion is to… [Link]#
    • RT @greg_price11: WATCH: In four minutes of testimony before Congress, @MZHemingway sums up everything wrong with America‘s elections from… [Link]#
    • RT @BasedMikeLee: The Law Firm of Schumer & McConnell (“The Firm™️”) has had a long, successful run at the game it plays—writing bills in s… [Link]#
    • RT @seanmdav: This abomination of a bill legalizes the invasion of 2 million illegals every year, pays for their lawyers, and gives Ukraine… [Link]#
  • DEI dunces doing what is unconstitutional.#
    • RT @elonmusk: An anonymous source just sent me this from Disney. It is mandatory, institutionalized racism and sexism!… [Link]#
  • Addressing the southern border.#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: Just to put to rest the BS about the need to reform the Asylum statute.... ... Here is the text of the existing statute -- 8… [Link]#
  • Addressing elections.#
    • RT @MZHemingway: I’ll be testifying shortly on election administration and how it’s been harmed by Mark Zuckerberg, based on my reporting f… [Link]#
  • The fixed justice system won’t charge Biden,#
    • RT @StephenM: Rigged System. [Link]#
    • RT @themarketswork: What really happened: Biden and his lawyers have always maintained that as soon as classified documents were discovered… [Link]#
  • Turning people into serfs.#
    • RT @cvpayne: This is how you keep people indebted to the state. This is how you get them to vote for more benefits while ceding rights to… [Link]#

Last update: Tuesday June 11, 2024; 9:17 PM EDT.