Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • Still, like the military-industrial complex.#
    • Too often big isn’t better. — “They Don’t Want It Discussed” – Megyn Kelly Reacts to Moderna Surveilling Her Vaccine Criticism [Link]#
  • Here’s to those who see, understand, and stand up.#
    • Backbone comes from understanding what matters and why. — I‘m not "Brave";You‘re Just a P---y. , by @NaomiWo64160597 [Link]#
    • .#UnAmerican, because they want to rule the country top-down instead of bottom-up. — UNEXPECTEDLY: A #Border Crisis By Design. Most Americans still don’t understand what is happening at [Link]#
    • “Democracy in Decline” is just a symptom. The real decline is #individuality. Individuals, as ithey discover humility. value community and civil society. the problem comes from not thinking. [Link]#
  • Make fun of them like Mel Brooks did.#
    • Apply the Riddikulus curse. So silly their pseudo-seriousness evaporates.— Messiah Complexes, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • Bet they can’t.#
    • Ask yo`ur Democrat friends to justify these four political practices. — The #Democrats Create an Alice in the Looking Glass World - American Thinker [Link]#
  • Sadly.#
    • It’s not #Democrats and #Republicans; it’s wannabe rulers vs. those who believe in governance. — The Replacements, by @utahprez [Link]#
  • Pay attention.#
    • Starts off with great advice. — Highlights of the News, by @donsurber [Link]#
  • Instead, they will take us all down with nothing positive to show for it.#
    • .#Democrats would “disolve the populace and elect another.�� @JoeBiden and the #Border [Link]#
  • It’s a start.#
    • IT’S A WINNING SLOGAN: ‘Deport every illegal’: Sky News host proposes new #DEI slogan. [Link]#
  • Detail is better than no substantiation at all.#
    • A different view than you will see in the #MSM. — #Climate Change Weekly #495: New Research Further Demonstrates Problems with Surface Temperature Records and Models via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Democratic self-own.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: People responsible for delay in DC trial:... ... • Jack Smith for waiting until Aug 2023 to indict Trump... ... • Judge Chutkan for f… [Link]#
  • Really? Evidence of malfeasance?#
    • RT @gatewaypundit: EVIDENCE Provided by Michigan’s Dishonest SOS Reveals HUNDREDS of Individuals Cast More Than One Vote Under Same Voter I… [Link]#
  • Of course.#
    • RT @TomFitton: Victory: Appellate court agrees that Maines voter rolls must be public! (Another loss for Maine Secretary of State who is a… [Link]#
  • If you cannot use your brain properly you are an animal.#
    • RT @elonmusk: Critical thinking should be the first thing taught to kids [Link]#
  • Subversive and impeachable.#
    • RT @elonmusk: In the “bet-you-didn’t-know” category,... Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas issued written guidance making it clear that:... ... 1.… [Link]#
  • Reportingaccurately on the economy.#
    • RT @cvpayne: Great point @DiMartinoBooth it just one if many reasons everyone got it wrong and wgyvthe narrative of the economy being drive… [Link]#
  • Evidence of malfeasance.#
    • RT @VivekGRamaswamy: Can’t make this stuff up. Here’s Biden, nearly a decade ago, sitting next to none other than Mayorkas proselytizing th… [Link]#
  • Scientists and engineers often are not taught about society.#
    • RT @elonmusk: Should I make the Texas Institute of Technology & Science real?... ... It would of course have Advanced Social Studies too. [Link]#
  • Of course.#
    • RT @MrAndyNgo: Argentina — Far-left rioters have been attacking police as they surround the congress building in Buenas Aires in opposition… [Link]#
  • New York called out for hypocrisy.#
    • RT @BuckSexton: New York is spending $12 billion on just a portion of these illegals. Abbot made a wise investment. [Link]#

Last update: Saturday May 25, 2024; 11:48 PM EDT.