Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • It”s the organization to do the crime that they need to be prosecuted for.#
    • @donsurber Pro? The word is RICO. [Link]#
  • Consequences.#
    • .@JoeBiden #Democrats need to learn about sowing and reaping. — IT’S HARD TO PUT THE HATE-GENIE BACK IN THE BOTTLE ONCE YOU GLEEFULLY RELEASE IT, JOE: https://tw [Link]#
  • Succinct.#
    • @AzharTheGreat @TheBabylonBee After all due consideration, if you cannot come into the country the correct way, certainly you can leave the correct way, which is with dispatch. [Link]#
  • Gobsmaacked.#
    • Awful lot of people inconvenienced by many years in jail for a #Democratic publicity stunt gone wrong. — #J6 Committee Admits Its Show Trials Were An Election-Year Publicity Stunt [Link]#
  • More on the COVIS19 vaccine.#
    • Oops! Travis #Kelce may want to retract his #COVID19 vax commercial.The Truth About the COVID Vaccine Is Finally Becoming Known [Link]#
  • Who reads the NYTimes?#
    • RT @BillMelugin_: It is wrong. ... ... The NYT fact check declared DeSantis’ claim that terrorists have come across the southern border as “false… [Link]#
  • Ethics anyone?#
    • RT @nypost: Canada halts controversial assisted suicide program for mentally ill due to lack of doctors willing to participate… [Link]#
  • Subversion.#
    • RT @paulsperry_: True. The millions of migrants Biden‘s processed and released don‘t have to show up for asylum hearings for several years,�� [Link]#
  • They are not the children of the state.#
    • RT @TomFitton: Missouri @AGAndrewBailey orders a school district to “cease and desist” teaching sexuality and gender ideology without pare… [Link]#
  • Wisdom.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: Solzhenitsyn. [Link]#
  • Not a good idea.#
    • RT @RepThomasMassie: USDA, @FarmBureau, and @BeefUSA (Industrial Meat Complex lobby) are pushing mandatory electronic ID for livestock.... ... It… [Link]#
  • Wonder why?#
    • RT @VivekGRamaswamy: It’s no coincidence that everyone who favors mass amnesty for illegals also staunchly opposes voter ID requirements -… [Link]#
  • Trash talking to trash.#
    • RT @themarketswork: But you will hire a washed-up MI6 agent to create a totally fake dossier intended to activate the Intelligence Communit… [Link]#
  • Logical analysis#
    • RT @addicted2newz: This is utterly brilliant. A student accuses @jk_rowling of being transphobic. This teacher skilfully dissects the claim… [Link]#
  • UnAmerican.#
    • RT @elonmusk: Biden’s strategy is very simple:... ... 1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible.... ... 2. Legalize them to create a permanent… [Link]#
    • RT @StephenM: Very important thread for everyone who has been wondering: “why are these criminal aliens being set free over and over”? Upon… [Link]#
  • Follow the law.#
    • RT @VivekGRamaswamy: “Remain-in-Mexico” is still the law of the land, but the Biden administration refuses to enforce it. That’s why the bo… [Link]#
  • They don’t.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: Leftists believe the state owns your children. [Link]#
  • Scary.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: This is the part where humans become slaves to the machines. [Link]#
  • That’s the plan.#
    • RT @GenFlynn: .@elonmusk it is because the democrat (hard left progressive and globalist supporting agenda) party is working to destroy the… [Link]#
  • Democrats.#
    • RT @themarketswork: Dems cut a deal with Reagan to grant amnesty to illegals who had been here for 10 years+. The promise for the agreement… [Link]#
  • Voting equipment is insecure.#
    • RT @pepesgrandma: Georgia tech sponsored a hackathon for election equipment and hacked it was!... ... One man showed that one minute of access, p… [Link]#
  • Disgusting.#
    • RT @shipwreckedcrew: If you want to hear a great synopsis of the fraud that was the Russia Hoax -- which pretty much crippled the entirety… [Link]#
  • Prasing questions poorly.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: Learn to spot propaganda polls like this one.... ... If I ask you whether or not Israel "went too far," your human impulse is… [Link]#
  • No surprise.#
    • RT @VigilantFox: Holy smokes. Suspicions confirmed.... ... Former Pharma insider tells Tucker Carlson that the true goal of pharma ads on TV is n… [Link]#
  • Self-owned.#
    • RT @TheBabylonBee: Rep. Jayapal Demands Slur ‘Illegal Immigrants’ Stop Being Used To Describe Immigrants Who Are Here Illegally https://t.c… [Link]#
  • Let’s see how it turns out.#
    • RT @visegrad24: BREAKING:... ... Argentine President Javier Milei just managed to push through his package of reforms that will transform the cou��� [Link]#
  • Bingo.#
    • RT @MikeBenzCyber: Their goal is to break up nationalism, which is the only force that can successfully resist globalism. [Link]#
  • Under deep cover.#
    • RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: Hey Ohio - This RINO makes Mitt Romney look like a conservative. He‘s a George Soros controlled liberal puppet posing a… [Link]#
  • Spending government money like a drunken sailor#
    • RT @nypost: NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families [Link]#
  • No consistancy.#
    • RT @RichardGrenell: Joe Biden has launched a war in the Middle East against Iran and its proxies. ... ... It wasn’t that long ago that Joe Biden… [Link]#
  • Who would have thought.#
    • RT @BehizyTweets: BREAKING: The Argentina Chamber of Deputies has passed Javier Milei‘s historic reforms that will undo socialism in the co… [Link]#
  • Interesting.#
    • RT @charliekirk11: Greg Gutfeld GOES OFF and perfectly expresses how millions of Americans feel right now:... ... "Why is it that we only have co… [Link]#

Last update: Saturday May 11, 2024; 8:08 PM EDT.