Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • If so, it undermines American foreign policy on purpose.#
    • Likely, but need a trail of evidence. — Report: #Biden Admin Sent Tens of Millions to #UNRWA Before ���Suspension‘ via @BreitbartNews [Link]#
  • Playing a worn out race card.#
    • Apparently calling someone #racist is an adequate defense for malfeasance. — #FaniWillis hung up on commissioner for questioning expenses via @MailOnline [Link]#
  • They are punished when they misbehave.#
    • Consequences. — @CNN Anchor Stunned Into Silence After Panelist Explains Why #Illegals Don‘t Stay in Florida [Link]#
  • What is taught should be public information.#
    • History about colleges that is worth knowing. — THEY’VE BEEN TAUGHT TO: Why Do So Many Young Americans Hate Israel? Of course, #college students ha [Link]#
  • They did it to themselves.#
    • As one blogger says, reality doesn’t care about your #narrative. — A Closer Look at the UK‘s #Energy Predicament via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Don Surber adds ... context.#
    • This retired editor is ruthless, skewering those who need it. — Why I will root for the Chiefs, by @donsurber [Link]#
  • Iran needs reasons to pause its financing of militant proxies. Hit Iranian funding sources.#
    • Why @JoeBiden/#Blinken is dangerous. — When serially attacked, loudly responding that we will only proportionally strike back and wish no wider war will only ensure a big, ugly one. [Link]#
  • Because they don’t. They love control.#
    • RT @MZHemingway: If Democrats Love ‘Democracy,’ Why Do They Attack Election Security Measures Voters Want? [Link]#
  • No, No, and Hell, no!#
    • RT @MZHemingway: Mike Lee: Schumer And McConnell Want Senators To Pass Their $106B Border Bill Without Reading It? Hell No… [Link]#
  • Bragg let them loose.#
    • RT @LegInsurrection: Good going, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.... ... Four illegal immigrants charged with beating two NYPD cops in Times Square like… [Link]#
  • Compromised.#
    • RT @SemaforJaySolly: Prior to becoming the US‘s special envoy to #Iran, Robert Malley headed an NGO – the International Crisis Group – that… [Link]#
  • It’s unlikely Taylor Swift is up on Neitzsche.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: Nietzsche Swift. Bad advice. [Link]#
  • Still waiting for the reasons.#
    • RT @Not_the_Bee: TEFLON DON: DC court drops Trump‘s iNsuRReCTioN case from calendar... [Link]#
    • RT @RepLuna: My colleagues and I have grave constitutional concerns about the appointment of Jack Smith. That is why I am demanding answers… [Link]#
    • RT @drawandstrike: They‘re also trying to keep this on the down low, but the SCOTUS accepted former AG Ed Meese‘s brief on how Smith was un… [Link]#
    • RT @drawandstrike: @BehizyTweets They‘re also trying to keep this on the down low, but the SCOTUS accepted former AG Ed Meese‘s brief on ho… [Link]#
    • RT @BehizyTweets: BREAKING: Jack Smith‘s election interference case against Trump has been removed from the Court Calender and postponed in… [Link]#
  • Those who support DEI new this from the outset.#
    • RT @NewDiscourses: Notice that, in Critical Social Justice, the meaning of “equity” takes pains to distinguish itself from that of “equality… [Link]#
  • Always worthwhile.#
    • RT @VDHanson: This week’s news: police attacked by illegals in NYC, truckers to the border, three Americans killed in Jordan, Harvard’s pla… [Link]#
  • Little trust in our intel agencies.#
    • RT @drjamesbjoyce: @GenFlynn Richard Clarke knew the truth. GWB came to the NSC and asked the staff to lie about WMDs when they knew the tr… [Link]#
    • RT @GenFlynn: The United States of America invaded Iraq back in 2003 based on now U.S. Government debunked claims of Weapons of Mass Destru… [Link]#
  • How could they?#
    • RT @Rasmussen_Poll: But WiFi modems inside American electronic voting systems are tolerated because no bad foreign actor would ever … wait … [Link]#
  • AI can be useful when the government is not.#
    • RT @wendyp4545: Me: Grok Do you have a list of all of the Iranian spies and Iranian sympathizers in the Pentagon and White House?... ... Grok: I… [Link]#
  • The reasons for this are not clearly reported by AP. Shame on them and on newspaper members that let them do it.#
    • RT @EvaVlaar: 🇳🇱 I’m on a tractor with Dutch farmer Herbert followed by a convoy of tractors.... ... We’re on our way to the Provincial Governmen�� [Link]#
  • Outrageous.#
    • RT @julie_kelly2: The only thing more outrageous than Biden’s DOJ charging Trump supporters for misdemeanors more than 3 years later is the… [Link]#
  • A grim sense of humor.#
    • RT @elonmusk: When you hear the names of legislation or anything done by the government, it is worth remembering that the group that sent s… [Link]#
  • Really? Really?!#
    • RT @RepAndyBiggsAZ: Last night, the House passed a tax bill that expands welfare benefits with virtually no limits, weakens welfare work re… [Link]#
  • Always cleareyed.#
    • RT @VDHanson: DEI in the FBI, recruiting crisis in Britain, illegal immigrants cheat our veterans out of services, the modern casual style,… [Link]#
  • Legal authorities are failing civil society.#
    • RT @chasrmartin: They Firebombed My Office via @powerlineUS [Link]#
  • A start.#
    • RT @BehizyTweets: Yesterday, The Georgia State House voted 167-1 to pass a bill requiring ALL ballots have official watermarks on them to p… [Link]#
    • RT @BehizyTweets: BREAKING: The Georgia Senate Ethics Committee is now pursuing the complete elimination of QR Codes on ballots after the B… [Link]#
  • A new kind of hate.#
    • RT @pepesgrandma: ❗️Biden corruption gone wild! Judge Kathleen McCormick, that ruled against Elon Musks Tesla salary, was involved with the… [Link]#
  • Someone to look up to.#
    • RT @JCNSeverino: Clarence Thomas is a descendant of West African slaves. He was born into poverty and grew up in the Jim Crow south.... ... Never… [Link]#
  • Summary judgement.#
    • RT @PhelimMcAleer: BREAKING NEWS: Mark Steyn urges judge in Michael Mann defamation trial to end proceedings over Mann and lawyers "bad-fa… [Link]#
  • The Senate acting abyzmally toward the House and Americans.#
    • RT @BasedMikeLee: Earlier today, a reporter standing outside the Senate chamber told me that, after four months of secrecy, The Firm™️ plan… [Link]#
  • Complicit?#
    • RT @rich_goldberg: Now is the moment to remind everyone that Avril Haines, the Director of National Intelligence, co-authored an oped in 20… [Link]#
  • AP has missed this underlying reason.#
    • RT @EvaVlaar: The United Nations��� 2030 Agenda is what��s behind the global war on farming and the NetZero scam in general. ... ... That agenda has… [Link]#

Last update: Monday June 10, 2024; 8:19 PM EDT.