Thursday February 1, 2024; 5:04 PM EST
- Frightening.#
- So #Jan6th wasn’t so much political theater as #TheatricalPolitics. @PBS presents a #tawdry #Democratic stunt gone so wrong it undermined America. [Link]#
- Was it a crime, a cover-up, or both.#
- The Plot Thickens: Damning New Details Emerge in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover Up [Link]#
- The ballot chain of custody and the counting today is suspect.#
- Solid reforms. #Democrats likely will oppose them. — #Election integrity watchdog recommends 14 reforms for states to improve election security via @JustTheNews [Link]#
- Ruthless description of someone without ruths.#
- But tell us what you really think about John Bolton — Make it so, Donald, by @donsurber [Link]#
- Reagan gave us much to think about.#
- Yes, there is reason for #humility. — President Ronald Reagan’s Classic Illustration of Intelligent Design [Link]#
- Majorkas mischaracterizes the fine kettle of fish he is in.#
- The southern border is not a simple policy dispute. — The Most Justified #Impeachment in American History [Link]#
- Nice to have a new word to describe the disease.#
- .#Presentism is time-#bigotry, the idea that today is special simply because you live now. — Just when you thought ‘#Diversity ‘ couldn‘t be dumber [Link]#
- AP lost trust long time ago.#
- Background the @AP may have missed. — #Somalia First? A closer look at @Ilhan Omar and her political ‘family business‘ in Mogadishu, by @JordanSchachtel [Link]#
- They got a free ride along with their tuition.#
- When and where of the #ethical void in #education. — The Elite 1 Percent Behind The Cultural Civil War [Link]#