Wednesday January 31, 2024; 5:01 PM EST
- No timely checks and balances.#
- Who has the duty to protect us from activist district attorneys? — Website Instapundit reports that SF City Atty is subpoenaing a national #media site because he ... [Link]#
- Woke smoke. No one forces people to read what is in a library.#
- The end of #HigherEducation : #Princeton adds #trigger warnings to library docs to ‘protect researchers from accidentally viewing harmful and offensive materials.’ [Link]#
- Wait for the dust to settle. And there are other reasons the trial should be overturned.#
- UPDATE: #Trump‘s Lawyer Walks Back Conflict-of-Interest Accusation in #Carroll Case [Link]#
- Mann is on the defensive as Steyn goes over the evidence.#
- More on the “Hockey Stick” as the trial progresses. — Some Notes On The Trial Of Mann v. Steyn via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
- That would be a bad decision if true.#
- "The #Democratic Party changed its #immigration policy when its leaders began to hope that they could import voters to compensate for the loss of voters that Democratic policies were alienating." [Link]#
- Trump’s first term had questionable cabinet members recommended by others.#
- America could do a lot worse in the next Cabinet. — #Trump‘s next Cabinet, by @donsurber [Link]#
- An inexpensive hobby for all time.#
- A lesson in line drawing. Get a small notebook and add one ordinary object to it each day. [Link]#
- They mislead America before.#
- Remember the names, who they worked for, and that many are still active peddling narratives or misgoverning. — When Will the January FIFTH Insurrectionists Go to Prison? via @Streamdotorg [Link]#
- Be careful what you wish for.#
- The way #Democrats trample laws, ordinary party members must not understand they are asking for lawlessness to turn round on them. — Rules for Thee, by @utahprez [Link]#