Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
  • Do they care what is going on in the country? Do they know?#
    • Are there rank and file #Democrats anymore? — Demorrhagic Fever, by @utahprez [Link]#
    • Why have @JoeBiden & #Democrats nominated ignorant people to be judges? No respect for you or our country. They want America “transformed” under their control.—WATCH: Sen. Kennedy Humiliates Another Biden Nominee Who Can’t Answer a Simple Question [Link]#
  • Lipstick on a pig.#
    • Redefining #DEI so #racist subversion is not so noticeable. It’s still the same because they will measure “success” with a thumb on the scale. [Link]#
  • Called out yet again.#
    • .@UNRWA has lost all credibility as a way to provide #humanitarian #aid to #Gaza. — The rotten edifice of ‘humanitarianism’, by @MelanieLatest [Link]#
  • Teaching the professor.#
    • @paulkrugman .@paulkrugman, Inflation is additive. [Link]#
  • Insidious.#
    • .#Globalists opend the floodgates in America and Europe to turn back the clock to Top-down rule. �� A world war, not a civil war, by @donsurber [Link]#
    • Subverting America and the #EU simultaneously. — @JoeBiden Set To Announce New #LNG Export Ban After White House Met With Gen-Z Climate Warrior [Link]#
    • Not a good idea to have one source of #helium or to auction it off. — In Amarillo, the Nation’s Helium Stockpile Goes on Sale [Link]#
    • @BarackObama is transforming America, with the help of #Congress. — Living on Borrowed Time [Link]#
  • Small minds.#
    • Self-identifying as narrow minded. — ANOTHER LEFTY BRAND SELF-DESTRUCTS: #TED Fellows Resign after Bill Ackman, Bari Weiss Invited to Spe [Link]#
  • Buh bye!#
    • The Civil Service reform act needs reform. The need to remove those who obstruct and subvert policy. — Government Workers Are Trying to Take Over Congress Now [Link]#
  • Worthwhile.#
    • Refreshing. Twelve minutes well spent. — I WISH I COULD GIVE A SPEECH LIKE THIS: Instead @KonstantinKisin gave one. Worth a listen. [Link]#
  • It would appear obvious.#
    • A connection between solar activity and extreme weather. Apparently not in blinkered #climate models. — Hurricane Frequency and Sunspots via @wattsupwiththat [Link]#
  • Nothing to worry about.#
    • RT @BillMelugin_: BREAKING: In Friday news dump, CBP officially reports 302,034 migrant encounters in December, the highest month ever reco… [Link]#
  • Finally states the obvious.#
    • RT @SpeakerJohnson: President Biden’s decision to place a pause on pending natural gas export terminals is outrageous. ... ... By bending the kne… [Link]#
    • RT @mirandadevine: Cruz is the best: “This bill represents Senate Republican leadership waging war on House Republican leadership… It’s not… [Link]#
  • About time.#
    • RT @themarketswork: Anyone paying attention knew that @UNRWA was a front for HAMAS.... ... Now, time to defund @UN [Link]#
  • A lot of governors standing up to Biden democrats.#
    • RT @dantypo: The most glaring hypocrisy right now is Blue states objecting to Texas trying to protect its border while crying about Texas s… [Link]#
  • At the minimum.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: Diversity is politicization.... ... Equity is redistribution by definition, i.e., socialism.... ... Inclusion is forcing accommoda… [Link]#
    • RT @DanLennington: Approaching $100 Billion a Year! ... The federal government is now spending almost $100B each year based on race & gender.… [Link]#
  • Appeal the decision.#
    • RT @bennyjohnson: The Judge threatened to lock up Alina Habba for trying to show the court these unhinged posts from Trump accuser E. Jean… [Link]#
  • Please decide for academic freedom.#
    • RT @DawnTJ90: 💥 Michael Mann - his hockeystick was a publicity stunt planned well in advance. It was promoted on Earth Day 1998, the day 𝙗𝙚… [Link]#
  • Waiting for real democrats to save their party.#
    • RT @CynicalPublius: I spend a lot of time analyzing the flawed thought processes of your average Fascist Democrat, and one of the systemic… [Link]#
  • Suicide by Democrat.#
    • RT @JMichaelWaller: Uranium One. Choke off domestic energy production. Sell strategic petroleum reserve to China. Block natural gas exports… [Link]#
    • RT @cvpayne: This is wreckless appeasement to the climate utopia crowd. Natural gas has been and will be the bridge between fossil fuels an… [Link]#
    • RT @themarketswork: By my count, six lies in three sentences. A new record for Goldman. [Link]#
  • Finally.#
    • RT @SpeakerJohnson: I stand with Governor Abbott. The House will do everything in its power to back him up. ... ... The next step: holding Secret… [Link]#
    • RT @tedcruz: This border bill is not designed to fix the problem. It normalizes 5,000 people a day coming in—that‘s over 1.8 million a year… [Link]#
    • RT @tedcruz: Joe Biden is not serious about securing the border. ... ... He literally fought all the way to the Supreme Court to stop Texas from… [Link]#
    • RT @jsolomonReports: Retired FBI brass sends stunning warning to congressional leaders: an ‘alarming and perilous’ invasion is occurring at… [Link]#
    • RT @VivekGRamaswamy: The southern border disaster isn’t the product of incompetence. It’s the intended result of years of careful planning… [Link]#
  • Double standards.#
    • RT @mirandadevine: Peter Navarro saved lives by urging. Trump to close the border to China in the first days of COVID. Now a DC court is ja����� [Link]#
    • RT @amuse: TWO-TIER JUSTICE: Peter Navarro is headed to federal prison for arguing his testimony to the J6 Committee would violate Trump’s… [Link]#
  • They stopped publishing news a long time ago.#
    • RT @KanekoaTheGreat: The New York Times is saying I‘m a "qanon influencer" and an election misinformation superspreader on X.... ... 😂😂😂... ... I share… [Link]#

Last update: Sunday June 9, 2024; 4:01 PM EDT.