Notes from a retired newspaper publisher
Wednesday January 24, 2024; 9:01 PM EST
  • Trying to find the clarity of the SCOTUS injunction.#
    • RT @alexthechick: Twitter Law School����� All the SCOTUS order does is vacate (make like it never happened) the Fifth Circuit order granting in… [Link]#
  • Unintended consequences.#
    • RT @JunkScience: New Jersey plastic bag ban backfires:... ... "Following New Jersey��s ban of single-use bags, the shift from plastic film to alte… [Link]#
  • Why do Democrats fall for what Democrats say?#
    • RT @KatiePavlich: More gaslighting. Obamacare destroyed the private insurance market, stripped millions of their healthcare plans and sent… [Link]#
  • No he didn’t.#
    • RT @DavidAsmanfox: “Fox News Host Shouts Down Co-Host For Criticizing Trump’s Rhetoric: Biden ‘Despises Half of the United States!’”... First,… [Link]#
  • Suspicious, isn���t it?#
    • RT @mirandadevine: Despicable the way the FBI treats whistleblowers [Link]#
  • Kirby blowing smoke.#
    • RT @DavidAsmanfox: John Kirby: “We need Congressional action” to secure the border.... How many times must it be said: Trump didn’t need Congr… [Link]#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: The most dangerous thing about Democrats is they don‘t know how easily they can be fooled. [Link]#
  • Paper ballots and an audit trail, please.#
    • RT @EmeraldRobinson: America‘s voting machines have remote Internet access which is ILLEGAL. [Link]#
  • Advocacy, not news, kills them.#
    • RT @realchrisrufo: The slow-motion suicide of the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Sports Illustrated is good. All three went all-in�� [Link]#
  • Sensible.#
    • RT @ScottAdamsSays: Only citizens are presumed innocent until proven guilty. That standard doesn’t apply to governments, and you wouldn’t w… [Link]#
    • RT @pepesgrandma: FBI agent suspended for years, without pay for “conspiratorial views” and “unreliable information” for saying one thing:… [Link]#
  • Perspective.#
    • RT @mirandadevine: Tara Reade had a more compelling case against Joe Biden than E. Jean Carroll had against Donald Trump. But the Republica… [Link]#
  • True.#
    • RT @Doc_0: The state of modern journalism, captured in one ideologically-blinkered tweet and the devastating Community Note that probably t… [Link]#
  • Really, setting up a rematch to clearly establish responsibility and obligations.#
    • RT @ChuckCallesto: BREAKING REPORT: ⚠️Texas Governor Greg Abbott issues statement DEFYING The Supreme Court, The Invasion response "SUPERS… [Link]#
    • RT @GregAbbott_TX: My statement on Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense. [Link]#
  • Good idea.#
    • RT @MZHemingway: Sacking Unaccountable Bureaucrats Should Be The Next GOP President’s No. 1 Priority [Link]#
  • Finally.#
    • RT @shellenberger: Canada‘s Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau froze the bank accounts of 2022 "Freedom Convoy" protesters, claiming it was an e… [Link]#
  • Politics beyond what’s fair.#
    • RT @DC_Draino: The AZ GOP Chairman has resigned after getting caught trying to bribe Kari Lake... ... Only question now is who put him up to it?… [Link]#
    • RT @pepesgrandma: Audio recording reveals the moment that, Jeff DeWit, chair of the Arizona Republican Party tried to bribe Kari Lake not t… [Link]#
  • Democrats blowing more smoke.#
    • RT @bennyjohnson: Joe Biden says Republicans are blocking Democrats from securing the border. ... ... Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is lite… [Link]#
  • Respect should be shown.#
    • RT @GregAbbott_TX: I ordered flags across Texas to fly at half-staff to honor U.S. Navy Special Operator Second Class Gage Ingram, a Navy S�� [Link]#
  • A start.#
    • RT @SenMikeLee: Tomorrow I will offer this resolution at the Senate GOP conference meeting:... ... “Resolved, the Senate Republican conference wi… [Link]#
  • FBI overreach.#
    • RT @andrewwimer: 🚨 Big news in @IJ‘s case on behalf of security deposit box owners in L.A. The 9th Circuit reverses and declares the FBI‘s… [Link]#
  • Go after them for it.#
    • Yes. Yes they can. — Federal Judge Rules #DEI/#CRT Trainings and Policies Can Violate Federal Law [Link]#
  • No surprise.#
    • RT @GOPoversight: The White House’s “war room” is panicking and trying to distract from key facts we’ve recently unearthed:... ... - The White Ho… [Link]#
  • A review of the news.#
    • RT @VDHanson: On the VDH Show: The reasons elites approve of Biden’s record, Davos elites’ selective criminalization, university reputation… [Link]#
  • Danger at the southern border.#
    • RT @GenFlynn: It only took 19 Terrorists to kill thousands on 9/11 and take down the twin towers, fly into the pentagon, and fly a plane fu… [Link]#
  • DEI stifles excellence.#
    • RT @ConceptualJames: I‘m all about using what‘s going on at the airlines to crush DEI, and it‘s 100% true that DEI at the airlines is a dis… [Link]#

Last update: Monday June 17, 2024; 5:43 PM EDT.